Part 2

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Quackity's POV

"Hey I never got your name" I was still blushing from what happened "Schlatt" he told me the elevator door opened and I saw people look away in fear? I guess people are scared of schlatt as we got to the office schlatt went inside first then I went and he was gone? Then I heard the door shut and lock behind me I turned around and there was schlatt "since you want me to fuck I will but after I do some paper work" I just went over to his desk and I was gonna sit down

Schlatt's POV (OOoo spicy)

I could see quackity was gonna sit down "no you sit here" I pointed to my lap I could see he blushed he looked really cute like that wait no I can't think of him like that (WHAT YOU JUST MADE HIM SUCK YOUR goddamn it whatever). He sat on my lap I started to play with his hair while working I thought it would be funny to mess with quackity so I slowed started to move my hips up and making my clothed dick touch his ass then I almost got hit by something that popped out of his back I looked over and saw quackity had yellow wings "Your a duck hybrid?" I said "Y-yeah..." Quackity said back softly "cute" I said in his ear and went back to work

(Quackity's POV)

I looked over to schlatt's computer and saw he was arguing with some other company I heard schlatt slam his hand on his desk he got a call so I got up knowing that schlatt was gonna be arguing schlatt went in a different room in his office and started to yell he came out and went to a cabinet that has bottles of beer as he took a glass I ran over to him and stood in front of the cabinet "what are you doing" schlatt said "no your not gonna drink" I said back he was pissed and I could tell
"Get out of my way" schlatt said I grabbed him and lead him to his desk I hopped on it "what are you doing get off my desk I'm going to drink" schlatt said I pulled him in and said "would you rather drink or have some time with me to take your anger out" schlatt obviously knew what I ment cause the next thing I know is he took of mine and his shirts he was absolutely jacked but not scary body builder jacked I could totally fall asleep in his arms then he started to give me hickeys I was holding in moans and I think thats what made schlatt mad cause then he started to bite my neck and then came the moans I could feel my pants and boxers being pulled down I felt schlatt lift me up and put me against the desk my face twords the desk and my ass the opposite way

(Schlatt's POV)

I started to tease quackity's hole with my tip "what are you do-" before I let him finish the sentence I thrusted my thing in his hole he moaned "schlatt~" with turned me on I began to thrust my thing in and out of quackity's hole all quackity was doing was moaning "f-faster schlatt" I heard quackity say quietly but loud enough so I could hear him so I went faster quackity started to maon louder with turned me on more "s-schlatt I- ahhh~ I'm- ahh~ g-gonna" I already knew what he was gonna say "I k-know ahhhh~ I- ahh~" I cleared my throat "I am to" then I stopped and helped quackity get his clothes.

(Goddamn that was so hard to write without getting a nose bleed but anyways hope you injoyed...? Idk)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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