Kid x Crona Christmas part 1

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Kid x Crona fanfic #1

-It was a few days before Christmas.-

Crona sighed and sat up i her bed. She was tired, and cold. It was snowing harshly outside.
She heard a knock on her steel door.
"who is it?" She said softly.
"Come in."
Crona got up, and stretched. Maka came in and handed Crona a letter.
Crona read it.
"I'm holding a surprise party for Soul, for all he has done for me. His favorite holiday is Christmas, so I decided to hold it on the 24th. The day before Christmas.
"I will be there."
Crona said louder than before. Maka looked at her and smiled.
"Hehe! See you there!"

-the 23rd-

Kid yawned and got out of bed.
He heard a knock.
"Come in!"
Maka came in handing him the same invitation as Crona.
"It's a party for Soul. On the twenty fourth."
"I will be there!"
He said cheerfully. Maka smiled and whispered to him,
"Crona will be there- and we're hanging a lot of mistletoe."
Kid blushed the darkest shade of red you ever seen.
Then he smiled.
He imagined Crona in a beautiful gown running towards him. This reminded him of something.
"Oh- wait! Maka! Two questions! One, is it formal?"
She skidded back into the room.
"Yes. In the nicest clothing as possible."
"Ok. Two, do we bring dates?"
He said the second question quieter and blushing while saying it.
"Please do." She said.

-morning of the day of party-

Crona [pretty long]
Maka barged in holding the hand of someone with a black sleeve, but she couldn't see the person, they were behind the door.
Kid walked out from behind the door, still in pajamas.
"C-Crona, w-will you....
He said blushing hard again.
Crona got up walking over to kid. She grabbed his hand.
"Of course."
He looked in her eyes and blushed deeper than before.
"S-see you at eight."
He let go of her hand and rushed down the hall.
Maka gushed leaning against the door.
Crona blushed.
She started to say.
"Yes Crona?"
"I have nothing to wear."
Maka's eyes widened. She grabbed her hand and Crona knew they were going shopping.

"Haha! I love shopping!" Maka squealed as she skipped into a store.
"Uh- yeah." Crona sighed and followed Maka into the store.
She shouted as soon as Crona walked in.
She screeched.
Crona skidded into the little room as Maka threw a sparkley dress over the curtain.
Crona put on the dress.
It was white, and had sparkles on it. It was long sleeved, and tight at the top section. At the bottom- oh was it beautiful. It draped along her legs, showing only a peek. On the side of the wast there was 3 roses.
"Ready Crona?"
"I think so."
Crona walked out, and Maka squealed. Next thing she knew, she had the dress on, and at Maka's.
"Ok. Hair."
Maka combed all of her bangs straight back on top of her head. Her tied them together with a sparkly white band.

The doorbell rang.
Maka looked into Crona's eyes.
"I think your date is here."
She got up and answered the door.
Kid stood there, looking more than handsome then ever.
Crona got up stopping in her tracks when she saw him.
He did the same.
He wore a black tux with a shiny white tie. His hair was parted and wet down, cute and formal.

Kid walked towards the gleaming girl. He took her hand and looked into her eyes.
"You look beautiful."
He said
Crona looked away and blushed a deep shade of red.
"Thank you."
She managed to sputter out.
He let go of her hand and led her out. Maka smiled and shut the door behind them.

-at party-

Crona and Kid walked to the dance floor. They danced well. Kid was astonishing, Crona stumbled sometimes. Kid thought it was cute.
Crona let go of kid and walked out onto the bowcany. Kid followed her.
He looked up, and sure enough, there was mistletoe. He grabbed Crona and kissed her lightly under the mistletoe. Crona broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. She grabbed him and started to kiss him intensively. He let her pull him along, after all, he enjoyed it probably more than she did. He picked her up baby style, still kissing her hard.

He ran into a room, hoping no one saw them. He locked the door behind him and sat Crona down on the bed. Kid sat down next to her.
She sat on his lap and kissed him more intensively then before.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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