(Moon-May Family) Pt.2

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Names & Ages/ Sets of Twins :  P-A= Physical Age / R-A= Real Age 

Lada Quincey / Plato Regulus Moon-May P-A: 22 yrs old / R-A: 4,572 yrs old 

Kenna Zero/ Kirsi Bellatrix Moon-May; P-A: 16 yrs old/ R-A: 4,566 yrs old 

Beau Orion / Torin Virgo Moon-May; P-A: 8 yrs old/ R-A: 4,558 yrs old 

Names & Ages/ Single Children

Pelia Black Moon-May, P-A: 18 yrs old, R-A: 4,568 yrs old 

Loki Arturus Moon-May, P-A: 18 yrs old, R-A: 4,568 yrs old 

Rahel Lyra Moon-May, P-A: 15 yrs old, R-A: 4,565 yrs old 

Petyr Rigel Moon-May, P-A: 14 yrs old, R-A: 4,564 yrs old 

Lilith Draco  Moon-May, P-A: 10 yrs old, R-A: 4,560 yrs old 

Angelus Cyrus Moon-May, P-A: 2 yrs old, R-A: 4,552 yrs old

Triplets : 

Perseus Declan Moon-May 

Andromeda Malia Moon-May 

Sirius Nooa Moon-May 

P-A: 14 yrs old, R-A: 4,564 yrs old 


Lucille Peril Moon-May 

Luna Bairre Moon-May 

Lori Maxine Moon-May 

Lene Nora Moon-May 

P-A: 12 yrs old, R-A: 4,562 yrs old 

Birthdays & Zodiac Signs

Lada & Plato : March 4/ Pisces 

Pelia: July 10/ Cancer 

Loki:  November 1/ Scorpio 

Kenna & Kirsi:  August 24/ Virgo 

Rahel: March 31/ Aries 

Perseus, Andromeda, & Sirus: January 12/ Capricorn 

Petyr: June 15/ Gemini 

Lucille, Luna, Lori, & Lene: May 2/ Taurus 

Liliath: November 22/ Sagittarius 

Beau & Torin:  June 25/ Cancer 

Angelus: February 19/ Aquarius 

Meanings behind the Moon-May's Names :

Lada - Origin: Slavic, means "Goddess of Beauty, love, & Fertility

Plato - Origin: Ancient Greek, means "Broad-Shouldered

Pelia - Origin: Hebrew, means  "Marvel of God

Kenna -  Origin: Gaelic, means  "Born of Fire

Kirsi - Origin: Finnish, means "Frost

Rahel - Origin: Hebrew, means  "ewe, Female Sheep

Perseus- Origin: Greek, means "Destroyer" 

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