blind faith

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all of history, continents and bloodlines,
levy her against her feelings that are so vehemently forbidden
no free thought, no emotion left un-policed
our hearts all beat to a rhythm we can't choose -
to survive we follow the rules.

beauty is made for women alone,
and yet we are told all of god's creations are beautiful.
how can we make beauty so accessible,
but so hard to attain?
the mirror shows him a body unworthy of the world's wonders,
devoid of colour, confined to drab tones of grey,
life isn't gay.

why is it that we are punished
for patterns woven with our veins,
and sparks that spring forth from our brains?
why do we die to support such vicious claims?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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