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Hours have passed. The sun was long gone, lights illuminating the city of Boston. Several car horns could be heard from down below. The last time you glanced at the clock, it had read 9:52PM. You didn't know what time it was now, didn't bother checking, because you had more important matters to deal with.

Eyes squinted, carefully calculating the trajectory of the object, you eyed your partner on the other side of the desk. In your right hand was a pencil, a dull one at that, and your partner was completely oblivious of your intentions. You poked your tongue out in concentration and when you were sure, you threw the writing utensil. You watched as the pencil went over the monitor that was on your desk, then over the monitor that was on your partner's desk, and then you let out a cheer when the pencil smacked Frankie in the middle of his forehead.

Frankie snatched the pencil that had hit him and sent a glare towards his partner who couldn't stop laughing. You've been at this case for hours. Long, grueling hours, and you just wanted to go home. Your partner was superior to you though, so he made the calls. He gathered up the paperwork that was littered over his desk and put them into one neat stack. Frankie then stood from his chair, pointing at you with the pencil you threw at him.

"There are other ways to get my attention."

"You're talking about the boring ways. I tend to go for the more fun ways, you should know this."

Frankie shook his head as he pulled the jacket off the back of his chair, putting it on. The both of you were still in the same outfits from the baseball field. Given your situation, you never had time to go back home and change, so Jane let the two of you work on this case in their baseball outfits. She had told you that you're not allowed to leave the building until the next day; when you were in proper uniforms. You and Frankie used that to their advantage, gathering as much information as you could.

He looked over at his partner who was now holding a shiny, purple fidget spinner. You held it between your thumb and middle finger, using your index to spin it. Frankie took a step to his left, pushing your feet off the desk and you started protesting.

"You know the rule, Y/N"

"Jane isn't even here! We're like, the only ones here. It's not that big of a deal."

"It's unprofessional and you know it."

"Unprofessional?" You snorted, leaning forward to place your elbows on your knees, gazing up at your partner. "You're wearing basketball shorts, a tee shirt, and a suit jacket. Tell me how that's professional." Though, you weren't one to talk about dressing professionally. A rusty maroon tee shirt that was partially covered by white shorts overalls, along with a pair of dirty black Converse wasn't any more professional than what Frankie was wearing. He motioned for you to stand, and you did, taking this time to stretch.

"It's late. We're calling it a night. I think we've done enough for today. We'll recap tomorrow and go to Waternoose's home; see what we can find."

You nodded, opening the top drawer to your desk. Inside the drawer was you gun, your badge and ID, your wallet, and the keys to your home that you shared with Maura and Jane. You plucked the keys and your wallet out before shutting the drawer. You were quick to lock it and turn off your desk lamp, and then follow Frankie to the elevator.

Still spinning that purple fidget spinner, you swayed your body to a tune that was playing in your head. This continued all the way down and to outside of the station. Frankie walked with you down the concrete stairs, stopping at the bottom. He clicked the lock button on the keypad he was holding, his car chirping in the distance.

"Did you want a ride home?" Frankie asked, and he frowned when you shook your head.

"I'm gonna head to the Dirty Robber. Maura told me that she and Jane are already there. So, I'll go there, tell Jane of the progress we made today, then force them to give me a ride home."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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