ChApTeR 1 - What awaits in the darkness?

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Thank you for clicking read, I hope you stick with this book till the end. WARNING: as this is a zombie novel, expect gory violence that In some parts may be detailed.

Chapter song - My apocalypse by Escape the fate


"Ash you can hit harder than that!!" My father screamed from the sideline.

I threw a harder punch at the punch bag causing my knuckles to throb under my purple boxing gloves.

I pulled back sweating pints felling the burn of today's practice, mainly in my arms and legs.

Father started me of with my training when I was 14, he always believes that the apocalypse is nigh. And that the streets will be owned by flesh eating bastards, waiting in the alleyways to take a chunk of your meat. And soon you to will become an exact match of the beast who bit you. As of tommorow I will of completed my training, and finally be a fully pledged zombie slayer.

"You did well today Ashley." My father handed me a towel and a bottle of water.

I wrapped the towel around my neck then gluged down the heavenly liquid.

"I still have to test my weapon skills father."

"You may do them tommorow morning as a warm up for your final test."

I nodded. "Thank you father."

"Now go get some rest...your gonna need it." My father walked away, over to his next client who was waiting anxiously by the entrance, who happened to be my older brother, Caine.

Caine is a very strange boy, he is a tall lanky boy with mousy brown hair and a frecklely face, he wears band tees and jeans with a pair of black and white converse. But no matter how strange he is he's my brother. And I love him.

.I strolled to the changing room simultaneously taking my boxing gloves of. I walked past many photos of me winning boxing matches and fencing tournaments, I'm smiling in all of them but now, now I just feel stupid.

I continued my walk into the changing room pushing open the heavy wooden door and switching the heat switch for the shower. I pulled out from my bag a blue towel and some shampoo and conditioner.

When in the shower I let the hot liquid carry away blood and sweat from my body, I watched it twirl like a hurricane then disappear down the plug hole. I rinsed my face with my hands enjoying the warming sensation, I washed my greasy blonde hair letting the oils follow after the blood and sweat. I sighed, remembering I had homework to be in for tomorrow. Great just perfect I'm already knackered and I now have to do homework, else another detention it is. Which will not go down well with my father because I need to still train even when I'm fully trained. Stupid father and his predictions, like there's ever going to be a zombie apocalypse. Well at least while I'm alive. I have no bloody clue when the world will end, but hopefully not for thousands more years. Because then we will have a lot more technology, so it will be easy. I think. To destroy the cause of the end of the world.

Stepping out of the shower I wrapped my towel around me and switched of the shower, I quickly got dressed in my typical clothes; band tee, skinny jeans, converse and a beanie hat. I suppose you could say that my brother and I share the same style. Which doesn't bother me in the slightest, were like twins. We like the same food, same movies and even the same bands which is good because I get to go to lots of concerts. He's 18 a year older than me,

So father doesn't have to come with us. Like he ever would anyway.

I quickly packed everything away and tossed my boxing gloves into my locker. I ran a comb through my hair and slipped on my beanie hat. I darted out the door and speed-walked to one of the training rooms where my father was counting how many press ups my brother could do in 1minute.

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