The Beginning

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Roman POV
Today is the first day of highschool. For me and my twin brother Remus. I'm excited because I have not been to a real school in a while. You see I'm transgender FTM and mom and dad were scared I would ruin my life if I went back to school dressing like a boy. So they put me in a home school program but the program stop at highschool so my parents had decided that I can go back to school. I'm excited I have not been to school since 4th grade. And with how much I've changed no one well remember me.

Remus POV
Today is the first day of highschool, and I'm not excited about it. Don't get me wrong I love my friends and my brother but I'm scared for him. What if people remember him? What if he gets bullied? I need to calm down, I have the same schedule as him so that stuff won't happen. I will protect him.

(At School)

Roman POV
I walked in to school and it's so big. I wasn't expecting this its so cool. And I remember some faces as well. But I stayed close to Remus so I didn't get lost. Remus leds us to are first class Math. We are the first ones here and we watch the rest of the kids come in. A couple of kids I remember walked in. But they don't seem to remember me. Finally the bell rings and class starts.

Remus POV
After Math a couple of my friends meet up with me and Roman. They know I have a bother but have never seen him before.

Patton- Hey Remus is this your bother we've heard so much about?

Remus- yeah this is Roman.

Roman- It's a pleasure to meet you.

Remus- Roman these people are my friends, Patton.

Patton- Hi!

Remus- Logan

Logan- Salutation.

Remus- Virgil

Virgil- sup.

Remus- And last but not least my amazing boyfriend Janus!

Janus- Really Remus

Remus- What it's true

Janus- Your a handful

Remus- But you love me

Janus- I do

(Janus puts his arms around Remus)

Roman- well it's nice to meet you all.

Remus- Do you guys want to meet up for lunch.

Virgil- Obviously sitting by your self is a death sentence.

Remus- ok emo.

Roman- we better get going before class starts.

Remus- yeah see you guys later.

(As there walking away)

Remus-So what do you think?

Roman- Your friends are nice. And class was ok.

Remus- Well get ready because there more class ahead of us.

I hope you guys like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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