Chapter Three

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((WARNING: This chapter may trigger some people and it is sort of graphic, sorry in advance!!!))


I picked up the razor, tears running down my face.

She left me...she left all of us. 

I cut myself with the razor, and I cried harder. 

There goes five days of being clean. 

I watched the blood, and I immediately covered it up with a washcloth. I hated the sight of blood, it made me feel sick.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember what the counselor said.

Try to be strong... be strong... be strong.

After awhile of saying this in my head, the words had no meaning. I couldn't be strong, not when everything seemed to go downhill. 

"Alex! Time to go to Taco Bell!" my dad called up the stairs. 

I hurried and tried to apply pressure to the cuts, so they would clot up. 

  I removed the washcloth, and the cuts seemed pretty much done bleeding. A metallic smell filled my nostrils. 

I pulled on a flannel to cover up the cuts, and I walked out to the car.

We drove to Taco Bell and we went inside. I ordered my usual and after I got it, me and my brother and dad all sat in a booth. 

 "Oh my fucking god! Alex!" my brother shouted. 

I felt liquid on my arm and I looked. My flannel was drenched in blood. 

  "You are cutting again!" My dad hissed, his eyes filled with "fire,"

I felt myself tear up.

"Dad, Daniel. I am okay! Just please, don't send me to treatment!" I cried.

People in the Taco Bell were staring at us.

"First of all, you better go clean that up!" Daniel whispered, covering his eyes.

I stood up and ran to the bathroom. 

While I was running, I heard a little girl yell "Mommy look! That girl is bleeding!"

     I cleaned the blood off in the sink, and I wrapped my arm in toilet paper. 

When I finally walked out of the bathroom, my dad and brother were gone. 

I walked out to the parking lot, and I saw them in the car. My dad was yelling at my brother.

 I got into the car and everything got quiet.

"We are going home Alex, we will discuss this in the morning," my dad said and he began to drive home.

 When I got home, my dad told me to wait in the living room.

After five minutes, he told me I could go into my room. 

When I got in there, I realized he had taken away all of my razors. 


A/N: I am sorry that this chapter was depressing, but it is for the plot! Sorry again! I promise the next chapter will be happier!!!

- Twistedreamscape xoxo

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