The Internet

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   Part I

Carl had never had wifi.
He never experienced the pure bliss of Internet connection.
A connection far more spiritual than the abstracts of human communication, or realtion.
For those who have, you know what I mean.
That nostalgic, almost spiritual connection with a higher power.
A transcendental essence, wifi.

Part II

Today, at the ripe old age of 23, Carl revived the privilege of owning, captivating, harvesting wifi.
The tech guy (who will remain nameless) connected the router and all that jazz and left.
Leaving Carl alone, all alone with wifi. And just like an adolescent boy, he felt like he didn't know what to do, but he wanted to do it.

Part III

Carl turned on his laptop and gently navigated the cursor with the small trackpad. He selected the Google chrome Icon, and the rest is history.

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