Heroes Have Their Weaknesses

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You were walking around with Flippy, enjoying your company, until you got sidetracked by someone in the air. Splendid was flying around, doing his daily patrol when he saw you. He waved and quickly looked scared. He flew away when a green radiance shown in Flippy's hand. "Flippy...what is that..?" Splendid started puking everywhere when Flippy held the Kryptonut higher.

You grabbed the Kryptonut from him and threw it to the ground. "FLIPPY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HE ONLY WAVED!!"Fliqpy had been triggered and looked at you with an angered look. "Enough! I'm going to help him!" You ran off and went to help Splendid. Splendid was on the floor at the time. "*cough cough* Huh..?" You ran to him. "Are you okay?!" Splendid took your hand and got up. "Yeah...just...a little sick.." An alarm blared as Lifty and Shifty left the bank with bags full of jewels and money. Sadly, Splendid was out of commission at the time, so you ran to stop them. You were immediately chloroformed and picked up, taken with the treasure.

You woke up hours later, finding that the twins were watching you. "Finally the sexy woman/man's awake~" Shifty answered. Lifty held up some handcuffs and twirled the item around his finger. "Hey S, she/he ain't just yours~" The two snickered in unison as you cried for help. Nobody was able to save you. Lifty and Shifty had you handcuffed and tied up.

"What a beauty~ L, you recording?" Shifty's face was inches away from yours. Lifty soon gave a thumbs up and before you knew Shifty's lips smashed against yours. You shoved him off of you and tried wiping off your lips. "Disgusting!!" Shifty growled and made a hand signal that called Lifty over so he held your arms above your head. "You will not mistreat me like that, got it?" You growled as he kissed you again, this time reaching up your torso. You squirmed around and quickly kicked Shifty where the sun doesn't shine, earning a groan of pain from him.

The door burst open and Splendid shown, looking at the scene. "S, GET UP NOW THE HERO'S BACK!!" Lifty yelled as he bolted into the bunker with all of the treasure. "It's not like you just got kicked in the dick!" Shifty jumped in after his brother and shut the bunker door, locking it. Splendid ran to you and untied you. "You okay?! Did they do anything bad to youuuuu- *trailed off as he saw how you were built, since you were stripped to the bare minimum of clothes* Ahem, sorry about that, heheh." He helped you up and gave you some spare clothes.

Once he got you out of the place, he took you home and let you keep the clothing. "H-H-Have a great day Y/N!" He left before you could even speak. "Such a nice hero..I should invite him over to eat someday!" You went into your room and imagined how things would be if you asked him as you fell into a nice calming rest.

When you woke up you heard screaming and quite an argument happening. "Y/N'S MINE!! BACK OFF YOU RIP OFF SUPERMAN!!" Fliqpy yelled as you looked through the window. You got changed and ran out to see what was happening. "I ACTUALLY SAVED HIM/HER!! SHE/HE'S MINE!!" Splendid yelled back. The rest of the town had been set on fire, Fliqpy obviously caused it. The two fought for a while until they saw you. "What did you two do..." Splendid and Flippy looked at you in shock.

"Y-You heard everything..?!" Splendid replied, honestly terrified. "Look, both of you are really nice and sweet to me, but...I have to think about it before you can say I'm yours, okay?" The two nodded, but that didn't mean they wouldn't stop fighting from time to time. You hugged the two and convinced them to clean up the place. Once the place was back to normal you kissed both of them on the cheek. "Now, apologize." Splendid and Flippy sighed and apologized to each other. "Good, now go on about your lives. I've got my own to live."

(DISCONTINUED!!)YOU'RE MINE!! Fliqpy/Flippy x Reader - HTFWhere stories live. Discover now