The Beginning

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September 9th, 2021

It was a cold and cloudy day but nonetheless it was a good day for most students as it was the first day back to school at Thomaside High and it was the time to make new friends and meet with old friends while for others it was a time to be learning and try to get to graduation without blowing it. And for a certain young man, he was definitely the first.

As he stared up at the school, he took a deep breath and the cold breeze rushed through him and he started to walk inside of the building. To say he was happy to be at school would be an understatement. He was very energetic to be at his school as a senior. While walking inside and weaving through the different groups of people, He couldn't help but think of all the different possibilities of the last year 'I could join the school council this year! Oo! I also need to sign up for the school baking team! Gosh this is all so darn...' "EXCITING!" Patton had accidentally said that last part out loud and started to quickly walk away from the whispering crowds 'Well...that was embarrassing to say the least' He thought to himself while slowing down before he saw someone familiar 'Is that...?' "TERRENCE!' He called out to his close friend, Terrence while running over, nearly tripping and bumping into everyone who came in his way "Oh hey Patt!" Terrence smiled at the boy "I'm guessing that was you who yelled out 'Exciting' just a moment ago huh?" He said a bit smugly "Oh you heard that? Well I guess you could say you have....'TERRE-ific' hearing!" Patton says with a cheeky smile to match his cheeky pun "Wow you deserve a PATT-ON the back for that one!" Terrence says before laughing and soon after Patton joins in but after a minute or so the bell rang, indicating the start of first period is in five minutes "Oh the bell" Terrence said with a sad tone "What class do you have now?" Patton asked him with a determined face "Hm let's see" He said as he searches in his pockets for his schedule before he finally finds it and pulls it out. "I have History first, what about you?" "I haveee!" Patton announces before looking at his own schedule "Biology? Nooo!" He looks at his schedule in disbelief "We're not in the same class! How will I make friend without my best with me?" Patton cried "Hey hey you'll be just fine! you'll make plenty of friends! I promise" Terrence tried to re assure his friend "You think so?" "I know so."

As they parted ways, Patton took a big breath before trying to find his classroom, which he found the hard way, was on the other side of the school. When he got there he opened up the door to see he was fairly on time and walked in to greet the teacher "Ah! hello there! I'm Mr Sanders, who are you?" Mr Sanders asked him in a cheery tone "I'm Patton Picani sir! nice to meet you" he stuck out his hand for him to shake "It's nice to meet you too Mr Picani"

A/N: I hope this was a good chapter! I'm trying out different styles like more dialogue and trying to be more visual with my writing but anyways! I do hope it's not confusing or going too fast :)

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