4: She is ̶N̶̶o̶̶t̶ Pretty!

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It was strange that Natasha and Yuvraj had not kissed yet. Natasha - with all her unabashed sexiness, long legs, pink lips, unbuttoned shirt and eyes that oozed oomph - had often been a subject of many fantasies of many guys, of this school and beyond. The last guy she was with is still considered a heto because it's said in hushed tones that they did it! Though no one had enough proof to say that with confidence. But you can never stop people from talking, can you!

Many had thought Yuvraj had struck lucky when the news broke out that they were an item. But within a week or two it was clear that Yuvraj wasn't getting anything. Their body language didn't seem like they were doing anything. They hardly even hugged, which was very unlike Natasha She used to be all over her ex-boyfriend.

Yuvraj, on the other hand, had never dated anybody and he never knew what to say and when. So initiating a kiss or something more was alien to him. Not that he didn't think or fantasized about it!
That day, he thought things would change. And he had had dropped him a message.

reason to think so. Natasha

See me in the basement! ;)

Now, the wink in the message accounted to nothing. But teamed with , it gave across an entirely different meaning. It meant something. And it meant something good Or so he hoped!

There was a time when the school basement used to be absolutely deserted during the break period. This fact slowly started to attract couples towards it. And soon, it became quite a famous hideout for such couples. It was the place where the couples spent some quality time. But then, as it always happens, the school authorities came to know about it and assigned school prefects to keep an eye. Luckily, all the school prefects reported to Natasha, so it was totally

under her. That day, she had asked everyone to get lost. She clearly had something on her mind.

Yuvraj came down the stairs, his heart beating heavily. It's not that he hadn't kissed before. He had, but it was two years back in tenth grade when he kissed a girl from tuition. But it was a cute kind of kiss, which meant nothing. But now, things were different. He had grown, and a kiss could lead to certain other things that made him a little uncomfortable. In a good way though.

As he waited for Natasha to come, a few images of what might follow flashed through his mind. Thankfully, before his thoughts made the situation even more torturous, he saw her step down the stairs and make her way towards him.

'Hi,' he said, and looked at Natasha, whose skirt seemed to have gone a notch shorter. Or maybe, it was just in his mind.

'Hi' Natasha said, as she looked at him intently.

Natasha had always had an envious figure. She had grown positively womanly over the last year or so. And Yuvraj couldn't take his eyes off her.

'So...' he said as he walked up to her.

She moved away from him and sat down on the stairs. Yuvraj still couldn't shake his stare off her. There was something incredibly charming about Natasha that day.

'I am not happy with you. This morning, I got up...' she paused and looked away and as Yuvraj came close and sat next to her. Her eyes got a little sad.

'What this morning?' Yuvraj said impatiently as he couldn't wait for something to happen! It had to! And time was running out. There was just twenty minutes for the break to end.

'I thought I loved you. Like more than anything and I thought that today, in this basement...'

'What?" he asked impatiently. They were getting somewhere. Finally!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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