Do i have to?

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*you wake up to hear banging on your door*
"Seriously go away" you say while being half asleep
"Come on y/n it's half 8 you should be up by now" your dad says to you at the other side of your door
"It's a Monday morning and I have nothing planned today let me sleep " you say angrily
"Well you need to get up cause me and your mum want to talk to you downstairs" he says to you still at the other side of the door
"I'll be down In 5" you say as you start to get out of bed
"Okay I'll meet you downstairs"
*in your mind* why do they want to talk to me early in the morning? Did I do something bad?
*you put your hair in a messy bun then make your way downstairs*
"Come take a seat" your dad says to you as you walk in
"Did I do something wrong?" You ask nervously
"No no no" your dad says to you while laughing
"Thank god"
"So as you know the euros are coming up but the trainings start today, well me and your mum decided that your going to come with me and the boys to the euros to get you out the house"
"Great" you roll your eyes
"It will be fun y/n you can meet the boys"
"When did I ever get a say in this" you say
"Well if we would have decided it with you, you would of Said no straight away* your mum replies
"When do we have to go"
"Well the boys have training today but we are setting off to Wembley in the evening so it gives you time to pack"
"Okay do I need to go to training today with you"
"No I'll let you pack and get ready so we can be ready to set off later"
"Alright I'll go start now" you say while getting up going to your room
******************************AUTHORS NOTES*****************************
hey everyone sorry this is only a short first part but I hope you like it so far.
It will start getting more interesting!!

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