The manhandling touches

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Trigger warning: Alcohol, inappropriate touching, pinning against the wall, sexual harassment, angst.

Relationship tags: Steve x random stranger(non-consensual on Steve's part) Steve x morning lobby Vegas meetup(platonic)

Steve's P.O.V

Everything around me was spinning, I felt nauseous, my head was pounding to the painful rhythm of my fast beating heart, I also felt like I was going to be sick all over the dance floor. I don't know if it was from the copious amount of alcohol I drank, or because a stranger is holding my wrist tightly in their hand and dragging me somewhere where I don't know.

The stranger that's gripping my wrist so tightly, that I can feel my bones grinding against each other dangerously 'he could break my wrist without even trying' I think to myself, I could already tell my wrist was going to have a hand shaped bruise after this ordeal. I looked up with my tired and teary filled brown eyes, trying to see if I could find any of my friends over the mass of dancing drunk people and the bright fluorescent lights that were making my already pounding headache and watery eyes even worse. Why couldn't I just find my friends, the people who I know will protect me from this tall and demanding drunk stranger.

I wanted to scream and demand that the guy would just let me go, or to be loud enough to make the other people around me realize that something is wrong, but my throat was so dry I don't even think that a noise above a whisper would be able to escape from my throat and pass my lips, even if I could shout, with how loud the music is and how drunk people are they wouldn't have been able to hear me or care anyways.

The man pushed open the double doors to the back exit of the club, with a small amount of force, so it didn't bang against the concrete wall and alert anyone of what he's going to do with me. I felt myself being manhandled and pushed against an old dirty brick wall of the alleyway that connects to the club's back entrance. I felt my back being scratched and bruised by the rough texture of the wall. I tried to wiggle free from the hold against my shoulder and hip, but he was too strong so all he did was pinned me against the wall harder and made my back get even more scratched up then before.

Why did he have to be so much stronger and more sober compared to me? I felt his hot wet breath against my throat that was all the warning I got before I felt his mouth and teeth attack my throat by nipping and biting it until I felt my skin give out to the rough treatment of his sharp teeth, I felt him moan when he heard my pained whimpering cry left my throat after he broke the skin of my neck.

The pain from the bloody Hickey that he gave me on my throat and the way he rolled his hips and hard-on against my bottom was enough to shock me back to reality from the quiet roaring that was going on in my head. It was enough for me to start wiggling around trying to get out of his sweaty and gross hold on me, I was scratching, pushing and yelling for help "please someone!"

Before I can get the rest of my pleas out of my mouth I felt him grab my neck harshly with his big sweaty hand, he picked me up with only one hand easily before slamming me back against the rough texture of the concrete wall, "Shut the fuck up, you slut!" He screamed at my face, his spittle flying onto my glasses and his hot breath making my glasses fog up.

I looked up at him, and he looked pissed. He squeezed my neck tighter and said in a loud growly voice "I was going to make it pleasurable for you, opening you up nice and gentle but now? I'm not going to do that for a bitch like you!" But him screaming and threatening me must've been loud enough to alarm someone who was walking past the entrance of the alleyway.

Because before I knew it someone grabbed my attacker by their big burly shoulders and yanked him off of me, I fell onto my ass and hands with a hard thump, scraping my elbows against the wall in the process, I couldn't help but start crying and sobbing and sayingo "Thank you, thank you!" over and over again Because someone saved me, they heard me, and they came to rescue me. Someone cared enough to come and help me, I looked up to see my savior, and it was......


Hello guys, so I decided to look back at my past chapters of this certain book, and I kinda realized that there was a lot of mistakes and I wasn't completly happy with it so I decided to go back and fix stuff up to make it more appealing.  


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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