Chapter 1-1: Run Away

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(Y/N) was running through the forest as fast as her legs could carry her. Twigs bit at her face and she stumbled over tree roots and stones, but she couldn't stop. Not for a moment. Not for anything. Not with that... thing following her.

"Allan said to look for a pine tree on a hill..." (Y/N) thought, trying desperately not to panic, "He said it was close, said that thing wouldn't be able to follow me there." But where was Allan? He had up and vanished just a little while after he... she gulped at the thought, after he sprouted goat legs and horns. What a thing to keep from your best friend. Then again, it's not exactly the kind of thing that comes up in conversation either.

(Y/N) was shaken from her thoughts by a roar ripping through the forest. It was closer than she'd thought. (Y/N) forced herself to run faster even as her legs and lungs burned in protest.

"I'M GOING TO KILL ALLAN!" she mentally screamed. There was no sign of any pine... and there it was. Standing tall on the hill right in front of her, there was an enormous pine tree with an even bigger DRAGON wrapped around its base.

"Well, that's it... I'm dead," (Y/N) thought hopelessly, caught between one horror and another. Resigned, she turned to face the monster she'd been fleeing from all this time. It really was close behind, since it only took a few moments for it to emerge from the treeline. If she was going to die, she might as well die bravely.

Of course, armed with nothing but her wits and the forest around her, it probably wasn't going to be a long fight. Especially not with the horns on that guy. Geez, a minotaur - mythical half-man, half-bull - and of all the people it could've come after, it came after (Y/N). She really had rotten luck.

Breathing heavily, (Y/N) scanned her surroundings for something that could help her, but all she could find was a fallen tree branch. It looked kind of decayed and probably wouldn't last very long, but she plucked it up and took a quick swing in the minotaur's direction, making the beast snort in irritation. Not exactly the best reaction, but it hadn't charged yet.

(Y/N) spoke too soon. In a flash, the minotaur was rushing at her. Eyes widening and adrenaline pumping, (Y/N) reacted, leaping into the air and somehow jumping over the creature's shoulder.

(Y/N) was shaken. "How did I...?" But she didn't have time to think about it then, because the minotaur had made his way back around and was preparing for another charge. Tired and angry, (Y/N) let out a frustrated scream and:

To 2.1: Rushed at the monster, somehow stabbing it through with the rickety stick. (Y/N) took a shaky step back - staring at the stick that had somehow transformed into a gleaming bronze weapon and watched as...

To 2.2: Felt a powerful - almost painful - surge of energy flowing through her body, momentarily blinding her with its strength. By the time (Y/N)'s vision cleared...

the monster dissolved into dust before her very eyes. "Wh-what?" (Y/N) stared in shock, "I-I did it? I'm alive?" Tears of joy and exhaustion sprang to her eyes and she fell to her knees, her legs too weak to support her any longer.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice bleated. Was that? Sure enough, there was Allan, her goatman best friend, bounding down the hill, past the surprisingly mellow dragon, "(Y/N), you made it!" Two others in orange t-shirts ran alongside him. Camp Half-Blood... what was that?

"Are you alright?" One of the others asked.

"Uhn," was (Y/N)'s only response before she collapsed unconcious on the ground.

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