I dare everyone to go on ftozen lake. Sing let it go

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-at lake-

Stan: no no. ... Really -skates - no glows white on the -stop sing - srew this

- mabel. Go next-

Mabel: and it looks like am queen Could keep it in heaven no I've Tried -sing the rest- nailed it

-wendy goes up- plz god no - The past is in past let it go let it go. - stop mad- never again

Dipper: awww

-Soos goes next- Soos: -off key- in the light off day

All: good -covering ears-

Soos: was that bad

Wendy: uh. Noo

Stan: yes

D+m: stan

-dipper goes and sings- The past in the past am never going back let it go and I will rise like break of dawn here I stand in light of day. The stein. Rage on. The cold never borther me any way

All: holy crap

Wendy: u can sing

Mabel: duh

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