The Picnic first kiss

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This was a very important time. The day they meet for the first time. When they lived close they didn't know each other but as the other one moves far away they get to know each other through social media. It's very complicated how they met but they did that's all that matters. They have been waiting forever for the day they would meet and planned together. The guy's name is Sidian and the genderfluid person is Kaya.

The day came, Kaya had to pack her bags to stay for a few weeks where Sidian lived. Kaya was on a call like every night with Sidian to sleep on, it was a habit by now; they would never be able to sleep without each other. Kaya was way too excited that sleeping was too hard tho, even for Sidian. Kaya had to wake up early and leave the call to attend the flight. The flight was very long but worth it. As kaya goes through the airport process she receives the messages sent by Sidian that couldn't reach kaya on the plane. Every time his texts made Kaya smile, his words made the day better for Kaya. It was very late by now and Kaya walked through the airport to get a seat at the entrance waiting for Sidian. Kaya was falling half asleep waiting for him, he took long. Kaya woke up to his text saying "here <3". Kaya looked around and then saw him standing at the corner of her eye, Kaya ran so fast you would think they broke the world record for fastest runner in the world. Kaya jumped on him. Sidian was so surprised to him it was the best hug in the world he got. They hugged very tight for a good 10-15 minutes. Sidian put Kaya down to look at Kaya's eyes and tell them that he loves them. Kaya fell in love with him even more with him Kaya had to say I love you back. Kaya made the first move to hold his hand and head to the transport.

The next day, was the official date they would have. The first thing they did when they both woke up is text each other and start getting ready as they wanted to waste no time of the day and use it all on the date. Kaya put on makeup with their own style to it. Kaya put on an outfit that Sidian choose and Sidian put on an outfit that Kaya choose. With them ready it was time for them to meet up at the park. When they both arrive there they have to search for each other like a treasure hunt as the park is pretty big.

Kaya suddenly saw him in the distance, their eyes started sparkling for the love Kaya had for him. Kaya ran towards Sidien like at the airport to jump on him for a hug. Kaya missed him so much even tho it hadn't been long since they last saw each other, so Kaya stayed wrapped him for a good amount of time. Kaya then slowly and softly kissed him on his soft right cheek, whispering "I love you" in his ear. Sidian then put Kaya down to hug normally. Kaya wanted to add a twist to it as they didn't like anything to be normal. When Sidien hugged Kaya she slowly brought their hands down to Sidien's ass and add a gentle squeeze to it, they both laughed so much from this. Memories were created in seconds just like that.

Kaya had brought some little things for Sibian, in those little things was a bouquet of his fav flowers in their hand the whole time. When hug time was over Kaya gave the beautiful flowers to Sibian, he adored them and smiled at this small gift. Kaya takes Sidian's hand as he looks at the bouquet to find a spot to settle down and have the picnic. Kaya had also brought a sheet with them to put on the ground to sit on, Kaya was always prepared. Kaya and Sibian sat slowly on the sheet trying not to mess it up, as Sibian sits he puts his bouquet down and in a safe spot. They talk for a bit about their dreams, memories, some drama, and other dates they will gon on next. They both decide to order maki with cucumber and avocado without mayo as Kaya became vegetarian like Sibian to be just like him and make it easier for him. They wouldn't eat any sort of meat or anything that contains eggs. Kaya became vegetarian for Sibian and Sibian became gay for Kaya. With the maki's they added edamame and different flavor Moshi's they had to buy for each other won over bets. Kaya cuddled into Sibian arms while waiting for the food to arrive at them. Kaya also had the time to gift some more of the little things they brought with them at the picnic to give to Sibian. The food finally arrived after a bit. Kaya sat between Sibian legs looking up at him and his eyes just complimenting him about everything. Kaya gives a letter they wrote for many days to Sibian. He takes it but chooses to read later as the Moshi's are gonna melt soon. Sibian reaches for the chopsticks with Kaya still between his legs grabbing a maki and dipping it into the sauce with some ginger on top. As Sibian does this Kaya casually licks his face. Sibian just smirks at it and feeds the maki into Kaya's mouth. He repeats this also feeding himself at times. Kaya also fed him with the chopsticks but also had their way to feed him. They would take one of the maki's that Sibian fed them halfway in their mouth to then give it to Sibian back but in his mouth. They then start eating some of the edamame. Sibian prepares it by taking it out of the skin just for kaya, just the way they like it even dipped in soy sauce. After enjoying the main food they give in the Moshi's with huge bites especially Kaya as it's her favorite.

They both start getting tired after all this food making their stomach full. So Kaya proposes for him to lay for the nap. As he lays down they grab one flower from the bouquet to put between their teeth. Kaya gets on him as he is laying down with the flower in their mouth. Kaya comes up to his face slowly and grabs it gently then puts the flower behind his ear saying " I love you Sibian". They then slowly go in for their first kiss. Kaya charmed Sibian. After all, he did ask for a memorable first kiss. When Kaya pulls out of the long kiss Sibian pulls them back in for a second more intense round calling them a good girl as Sibian has been waiting for that kiss the whole date. When done Kaya falls asleep on Sibian's chest with him falling asleep too. When they both wake up Sibian wants to sleep more so Kaya lets him sleep on their thighs. As he sleeps they mess around with his hair. When they both got enough rest they both decide to play a game. A game in which you get very close to the other person and try to make them kiss you by charming and not falling for their charm,g to make you kiss them, the first one to kiss the other loses and would get a Moshi. This game was very intense and hard between these two as their love was strong and kissing each other was a passion. Kaya ofc lost the game from how seductive Sibian can be with his words. Kaya owned one Moshi to Sibian. They both get up and start walking across the park to go on the kid's playground as Kaya loves the swings and slide. They go on it for quite a while enjoying it until Kaya gets hurt from their clumsiness. Sibian decides it's enough playground and takes back Kaya to the picnic area and comforts Kaya. When Kaya gets over it they think they should dance to the music for practice in the future. Kaya loves dancing as it was her hobby. Sibian puts on his type of music and Kaya shows him some dances move he can do. Sibian gets the hang of it to then be able to grab Kaya, spin them and make them fall in his arms. Kaya adored that so give a kiss to the boy who deserved it.

After this long picnic date, the sun started going down. They both decided it was time to go home and rest with him from this amazing tiring day. Kaya gets up and helps Sibian to get up too. They pack everything and clean over their mess. Kaya reaches for his right arm to wrap around and walk like this back to Sibian place. Kaya didn't have any place to stay there so they had decided to sneak Kaya at Sibian house for the night. This would allow them also to cuddle, read/tell stories to each other and give kisses. They both fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms. This was only the beginning of the rest of the dates to come that they would have.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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