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It was around 5 o' clock in the afternoon when a handsome boy entered the cafe, catching everyone's eyes. The girls and guys stared, digging literal holes in his back. It simply terrified him.

He shrug it off. He sat down on a table in the back, hoping he was still noticeable enough to be seen from the door. He was here for a date. Now why does the boy that rejects everyone suddenly decide to go on a date? Well his friend, Yeonjun, set him up with a girl he didn't know at all. He didn't even know her name but he thought that maybe trying to date will help him find his true love.

He made no progress in finding his soulmate. Many people didn't believe in soulmates, but Soobin was different. He believed that there was always someone out there waiting for him. Almost like a love poem.

Time went by fast and it was already 6 o'clock. Many people had left already and there was only a small fraction of people still sitting. Small laughs could be heard as he turn around and sees a group of girls, directly staring at him. Oh no, he thought knowing what would happen next.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. "H-hey can i have your n-number, you're really handsome," One of the girls said while the other stared at her. She looked really shy, as her cheeks were tinted red. "I'm sorry but i am waiting for my dat-" "Oh i'm so sorry to bother you, have a good day," The girl interrupted, running off as her friends stood up and followed her.

He didn't like rejecting people, but he had too. Relationships with one sided love sucks! They never work out and will end up hurting them even more than rejection would.

He glanced at the his phone again. It was around 6:48 pm. His date was over an hour late. Maybe she is stuck in traffic. It was most likely not the case. He waited longer and longer and still no sight of this mysterious girl. The shop was going to close in 30 minutes.

I got stood up. I can't believe this. He mumbled to himself as his smile slightly dropped. He was the only one in the cafe besides the workers who seemed to be whispering among themselves.

"Just go, u coward," Taehyun said, pushing Kai slightly. "But he doesn't know me," Kai replied back trying to escape, only to be pulled back by Taehyun's strong grip on the back of his shirt.

"How about this. Take this to him and comfort him. He looks like he had a rough day," Taehyun said handing Kai a plate with a slice of apple crumble. "B-bu-" "No buts, go," Taehyun interrupted, shooing Kai away.

"This is going to be so akward.." Kai mumbled. "H-hi, um i saw you sitting here alone and you've been in here for almost three hours already," Kai said, cursing himself for stuttering. "Oh i'm sorry i'll leave-" "No! Stay," Kai interrupted, pushing Soobin back in his seat.

"You look like you had a rough day so i wanted to bring this to you. It's on the house," Kai said, pushing the plate infront of Soobin. "Oh, Thank you," Soobin replied, dimples on full display. Kai didn't know what was happening with him but he felt his finger slowely attract to soobin's dimple and poke it.

They both had wide eyes. "O-oh, i'm sorry. My my h-hand just moved by itse-" "Do it again." "What?" "I said, do it again." "Um okey." Kai's finger travelled its way back to Soobin's cheek, poking it. He laughed slightly. "You know you're really cute right?" "What?" Kai replied, His face heating up. His ears were coloured pink as he slightly hid his face.

"Look at you. So cute," Soobin said, Removing Kai's hands of his face. He grabbed his cheeks and pinched them slightly, making his cheeks redder than a tomato. "Look at you blushing. My heart can't take this," Soobin said, uwuing over his cuteness. "Why are you teasing me. You don't even know me," Kai replied trying to cover his face again.

"We'll your name tag says Kai. My name is Soobin. Pleasure to meet at your acquaintance," Soobin said, sarcastically bowing. "Shit i forgot about that name tag," Kai mumbled softly. Soobin just burst out laughing. "Now why are you laughing," Kai said pouting. "It's just unusual seeing a literal child swear," Soobin said between laughs.

"Excuse me sir. I'm literally 19?!? Stop babying me," Kai said, slapping Soobin's shoulder. "Hey respect your elders. I'm 21." "You are only 2 years ol-" "Shush child," Soobin said interrupting Kai. Kai just pouted more.

Soobin grabbed his phone checking the time. It was 8:26 pm, meaning the cafe was closing soon. He didn't want to trouble them any more since they probably are exhausted.

"Ah look at the time. It's really late. I should be going home," Soobin said standing up from his chair. "Wait let me pack the cake for you so that you can eat it at home," Kai replied as he took the cake putting it in a box and adding something special. He smiled at the box before closing it and handing it to Soobin.

"Thank you for the cake, I really appreciate it. I'll come around soon!" Soobin said grabbing the box and leaving. "Wait!" With that Soobin turned around only to be met with a hug. The boy was not much shorter than him, but he felt tiny to Soobin.

"Make sure to get home safely okey!" Kai said tightening the hug. "Of course i would want to miss another day i could spend with you." "Ugh you tease. Leave!" Kai said pushing Soobin out of the door as Soobin laughed. "Bye sweetheart," Soobin said, running. "Yeah you better run before  i break your leg!!" Kai yelled. "You wouldn't hurt a fly," Soobin yelled back.

"Ughhh! Watch when you see me next time!" "Oh so there is a next time!" Soobin said smirking. "Just go home!" Kai yelled, Ears pink, cheeks pink. He closed the door of the shop only to be startled by the one and only taehyun.

"U should call me Taehyun, the great matchmaker" "Oh shut up tae. But i do owe you," Kai said hugging Taehyun. "Just buy me ice cream and give me cuddles when we get home." Taehyun said.

They both laughed as they took of their aprons and left to their shared apartment. They shared an apartment ever since they started college, to save money. I mean who wouldn't want to live with their best friend and save money at the same time. They locked up the cafe and walked to their apartment, that was down the road, but picking up some fried chicken before hand.

- - -

Soobin arrived home and took of his jacket and shoes. He quickly ran to the kitchen to eat the cake Kai gave him. It looked delicious and smelled amazing earlier. He opened the box only to be met with a note stuck to a chocolate bar. He picked it up and it read:

'My number is ***. Text me sometime <3

ps. Kai :p'

"He really know what he is doing huh," Soobin says chuckling to himself, Taking a bite of the cake. "Wow. This tastes amazing!" With that, Soobin finished the cake and texted Kai. He got a respond back right away. They continued texting eachother for the rest of the night, totally not till 3am..

 They continued texting eachother for the rest of the night, totally not till 3am

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*.⋆Stood up - aictrl⋆.*

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