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- How is your long-distance relationship with Natasha going? - Tony asked.

- It's not easy but we're working. - Steve replied.

Steve, Tony and Clint were watching Wanda, Bucky, Vision, Sam and Carol training.

- When you say working do you mean a little cybernetic joke? - Tony questioned.

- What?

- You understand ... give a virtual one.

Steve looked confused and looked at Tony. Clint, who was taking notes on his tablet, turned his attention to them.

- Come on man, she's like a sister to me, look what you're talking about.

- He waving the Popsicle in front of the camera should be easier to accept doing this by doing it in front of her.

Clint didn't even respond, just turned away as he rolled his eyes.

- No way to swing, we'll just talk.

- Are you kidding me? With technology you have the biggest breakthrough in sex at your fingertips and you just keep talking?!

- I can not do this. - Steve gave a nervous smile.

- Well if you don't you could lose Natasha to a handsome Russian guy who knows that getting naked, skin to skin is the best way to get warm in the cold.


Hours later Steve was lying on his bed, he had talked to Natasha and she agreed that if that was what he wanted they could try having sex over the phone.

- And here we are, in bed again. - Steve said.

He had his back against the bed, the notebook on his lap displayed the image of Natasha also sitting on the bed, he could see her image from the waist up, the redhead wore a purple silk baby doll that had small ruffles at the neckline .

- So it is. - Natasha smiled and shrugged, she was surprised that Steve was really taking this seriously and wanted to see how far he could go.

- Okay, uh... there... I'm going... I'm going - he cleared his throat - I'm going to start.

- Okay.

- You're a mean girl. - looking at him Natasha frowned making a face - and I'll punish you with my love.

- What?

- Didn't you like it? he asked with his face turning a little red.

- Horrible! Try again. she said, her voice coming out with a bit of an accent.

- You... no... you're a pervert, you're a pervert girl... a pervert. he said, his voice stuttering with every word he said.

- Errr, yes I am. - Natasha said smiling mischievously while laughing inside this failed attempt at seduction of him.

- You are pervert, depraved and very naughty. - seeing that she had a good reaction, he continued saying things he had seen on the Internet.

- God, Steve, that's enough. - she laughed.

- Give me five minutes and I see how to do this on google.

- Silence. - She asked putting a finger to her lips. - Be quiet and obey me.

- As always. - He whispered to himself.

- Take off your shirt.

He promptly did as she asked, removing his shirt and placing it beside her on the bed.

- Ready.

- I told you to shut up Rogers!

- Yes ma'am.

- Now take off your shorts. - Again he did as she asked, seeing him remove his shorts Natasha bit the tip of her finger and sighed looking at Steve's chest. - Wonderful, now I take off my clothes.

- Excellent.

Natasha put her hand on the top bar of the baby doll, when the piece reached the height of her breasts the camera stopped freezing the image.

- Dwarf. - Steve said under a breath and started pressing random buttons on the notebook.

- All your captains. - Natasha's seductive voice sounded but her image was still frozen. - Did you miss them?

- Oh shit.

- Not Steve. Already? she asked incredulously.

- No, no, no! It's just that the screen froze. Give me a minute.

- Fine.

Steve ran a hand over his neck and snorted. He waited a few seconds and asked.

- Are your father and mother okay?

- I won't talk about them now Steve. - He couldn't see but he was sure she had rolled her eyes.

- Fine.

- If the video is frozen try restarting the router. - someone yelled.

- Oh ok, thanks. - Steve thanked but then frowned and stood up stunned, he opened the door and his jaw dropped when he saw Tony Stark sitting in front of his door eating snacks.


After yelling at Stark, Steve went back to the room but Natasha had already hung up, when he looked at his cell there was a message from her telling him not to worry that they could try it again another time, this along with a winking face.


The other day Steve had written a little text and it would help him.

When Natasha called he was already in his bed without a shirt and was already saying: - Hi love, I already know how we're going to do this.

- Steve, listen. - Natasha tried to say something but was interrupted by him.

- No, you listen. - He took a paper and began to read. - You're my wife and I'll make you feel things you never enjoy before.

- Steve...

- That's it, say my name and beg for more because I'll give you you...

- My parents are here. - Natasha said and the faces of Melina and Alexei appeared on the screen beside her. Steve opened and closed his mouth several times.

- Hi Steve Rogers, if I may say your name. - Alexei said looking Steve up and down.

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