Chapter 1 - Hope's Peak Academy - Makoto

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Metal plates blocked the windows to the outside. I traced my finger along the bolts that held them in place. Strong and sturdy. Nothing was going to get them loose. I had this funny feeling in my stomach; lifeboats were sinking inside of me. Why was I here? Was I in prison? Or was this some strange kind of purgatory? I looked downwards for what felt like the first time in my life. Colours flooded my eyelids, but I managed to make out that I was standing next to a desk. One in a row of many. I was in... a classroom. How did I get here? The last thing that I remember was... standing outside Hope's Peak Academy! I was meant to meet my classmates at eight o'clock. Oh god, was I late again? The clock above the chalkboard read to five past eight. Christ, I'm an idiot.

Nervously, I stepped into the room where everyone else was. There was a scramble of eccentric-looking students. The "ultimates" of Hope's Peak Academy. But among this sea of some of the most talented people in the world, one girl stood out to me. If it weren't for her modern attire, I would have mistaken her for some sort of moon goddess. She stood with a sense of purpose and rigid formality, yet this brick-like bravery made no attempt to hide her ethereal beauty. Her porcelain skin almost blended into her soft lilac hair. She almost seemed to give off this... lunar glow that pulled me towards her.

With a sudden surge of confidence I had never felt before, I strode towards her.

"My name's Makoto Naegi," I told her, offering my hand. With a millisecond of hesitation, she shook mine back.

"Kyoko Kirigiri."

Her voice was like a splash of cold water. Her reply was stone cold, but her voice was clear and straightforward. She only told me her name, yet I received the impression that when she spoke, she spoke eloquently. I found myself starting to wonder what her ultimate talent was. She wore a quality pair of gloves and under-the-knee boots. Perhaps they were useful for whatever practical work she did. Or maybe they were just for fashion, because they were paired with a skirt, jacket, buttoned-up shirt, and tie. I started to realize just how beautiful she really was, and an inkling of nervousness started spreading inside of me.

"So, uh- what brings you here?"

She looked at me with an eyebrow raised, perhaps confused.

"For the same reason that you are."

"O-oh, I mean, uh, what's your ultimate?" I could feel my hands start to get sweaty. Or were they already like that? At least she couldn't feel them through her gloves. She looked downwards, a little to the side, and shifted on her feet.

"I... don't remember."

She didn't remember? Now I was the one that was confused. It wasn't long ago that we received our invitations to the school. I, of course, got into the school completely by chance. They called me the "Ultimate Lucky Student," as if I was some kid that needed a participation award. Maybe I was a control variable in some sort of experiment that they were doing. If so, they have some questionable ethics. But still, how could she forget her ultimate talent within the span of a few weeks? Her mystery intrigued me even more. She didn't look like she wanted to talk, so I moved on. As soon as I knew that I was out of earshot, I repeated her name under my breath. It felt natural on my lips, which soon crept into a soft smile.

Kyoko Kirigiri.

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