𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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Hello, lovelies! Hope your days went well!

Recommended song: Low Life- by The weekend & Future <3

TW: minor sexual things ;)


Evie's Pov:




The amount of stamina that is being exerted out my body is somewhat of a miracle---but even that doesn't apply to my legs.

I knew I should've gotten a damn gym membership.

Would've been quite helpful in this unfortunate situation. Not like I knew 3 crazed men were going to chase me in the dark streets of New York. But ya know..still.

I stop running and slide next to an enormous garbage bin--I place my hands on my knees while my chest heaves up and down looking for some type of tranquility. My face looks down my joint..It has one good swing left.

   I put it up to my dry lips and take one big ass hit.

Love you joint, fun while it lasted.

And with that I let my foot put the joint out its misery of running around New York City.

You will be missed. Amen---- or whatever Christians say...

The smoke of the joint extinguishes and sours in the air.

   I look around the garbage bin and realize it's too quiet..
   I could take them, right? Right!? Three grown-ass men. Chris is just straight up lanky, the other two have muscles though.

WAIT! I have muscles too! I look at them in the mirror sometimes..just for a confidence boost. Everyone has at least poked at their arm muscles before. If someone says they haven't they are for sure lying.

It's like a woman saying, 'Ew masturbation', when you know good and well they've done it before.

After I catch my breath, I lift my hands off my knees--get away from the garbage can and position my back on the textured brick of some bakery, periodically taking peeks where I turned.

Maybe they gave up? But that's too easy...

One last peek, and there they are turning their huge bodies into the alleyway. I shuffle my feet a couple of steps back from the men.

"There you are, darlin'," Chris exclaims. If I'm being completely honest, I'd rather have myself running from them, than have Olivia be raped. I would do it all over again.

But I would have gone a little bit harder in Chris's nut category. I guess the smaller it is the faster it's recovery.

I steadily back away from the three men as slowly as possible. Maybe if I go slow enough they won't notice? Dimwit one and dimwit two quickly catch my movements with their eyes.

"Fellas, hey! I feel like we all should just forget this ever happened, how 'bout it?" I ask hopefully with a chuckle.

They all exchange knowing glances at one another, I look around the alleyway for weapons, any sort of item that might help. Fuck.

All I see are cigarette buds and an empty garbage can. When all hope is lost I see a box of beer bottles shinning in the full moons light,

"Forget? You bitch! You broke my nose, and cock-blocked me." He screams in my face, the adrenaline is pumping through my veins, but it couldn't stop the sarcastic remark leave my mouth,

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