Chapter 1

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Thomas' POV

"Get your lazy ass out of that bed, Thomas Edison!" I opened my eyes groggily and stared at the raven-haired girl whose face was far too close to mine for my liking. "Your breath stinks Teresa. And get out of my room you shuck-face!" I pulled my bedsheets over my head.

"You're worse than Chuck!" Chuck, my younger brother, had a tendency to jump up and down on my bed in order to wake me up, which plainly, I did not like.

 "Thou shalt get out of bed, or I'll get him right now! And you told me to pick you up for school." She retorted, knowing that it would work. I jumped out of bed and shoved her out of the room. 

"I'll be down in 5!"

"Right. I'll just go eat my lucky charms." Was her response as I heard her walking down the carpeted stairs.

I groaned and pulled the covers back over my head, climbing into the warm sheets and beginning to shut my eyes again, when I heard a scoff and a shriek come from the doorway.

"Teresa, he's going back to sleep!" Chuck's shrill voice echoed down the stairwell before he turned on his heel and thundered back towards his room, so as not to witness the wrath of Teresa.

"Thomas James Edison. I said it once, and I'm saying it twice. Get out of that bed before I drag you out of it. Even worse, I brought the bag." Teresa admonished, with a smirk on her face. I gasped in horror.

"Not the bag!" The bag. The one thing I dreaded the most. Teresa carried it with her everywhere, to punish me when I did something wrong. She reached into the green backpack and pulled out the dreaded pink unicorn onesie.

"Thomas. Get out of bed or I'll make you wear this!" She brandished the pink, fluffy fabric in front of my nose, and I squealed (in a very manly way, if I do say so myself). I jumped out of bed, and for the second time that day, shoved her out the door.

"Fine! Fine! I'm getting changed!" I yelled as I pulled up my pair of blue jeans, and threw on my shirt.

"See Chuck, this is why I always get here half an hour early!" I could hear her talking to my brother.

"I bet if you came here on time I would get up straight away!" I said, following them down the staircase. They both turned around and looked at me, eyebrows raised as if they were asking a silent question. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes and shoved past them both.

"I want breakfast," I grumbled, still only half-awake, blindly reaching for the cereal box, only to knock it off the bench and have it splatter all over the tiles.

"Look what you've done Thomas!" Teresa scolded, bending down to sweep the cheerios off the floor while grumbling incoherently about dumb friends or some such topic. "So Tom, gotten over your obsession with Minho?" Teresa looked at me, smirking. I turned red. "Teresa! I stopped liking him a year ago!"

"You liked Minho?! The guy you run track with?" Squeaked Chuck.

"Have you seen his muscles, Chuck?" I tried in vain to defend myself. "He's hot!" I could feel the tips of my ears turning red.

"Stop fantasizing about Minho's arms, Thomas, do you want to be late?" Teresa sighed impatiently, tapping her foot softly on the floorboards at the end of the hallway.

"Oh calm down! There's still like 5 minutes left!" I reasoned. "Tom, you know it takes you more than 5 minutes to get your fat ass into my car!" Teresa grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door, in turn making me spill my cheerios all over myself. "Teresa Agnes, you spilt my cheerios!". It was then that Teresa knew she had fucked up. She ran squealing to the car, as I was chasing after her, wielding my spoon like a weapon above my head.

Making it to school with only two minutes to spare, Teresa quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door, pausing when she realised I wasn't right behind her. Instead, I was staring down in horror at my cheerio splattered shirt.

"Teresa, there is no way I'm walking into school looking like I just swam through the pacific ocean"

"Oh calm down Tom, it's not that bad," but even as she said it, she knew it was far from the truth, "look, it's not as though you have anything else to wear, so you're just going to have to suck it up"

Suddenly, as though some magnetic pull had drawn our eyes to it, Teresa and I looked towards the bag that held all our nightmares.

The onesie.

Teresa's eyes had a mischievous glint in them, and I knew I wasn't going to like this one bit. 

~ 814 words ~

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