Chapter 13

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Woke up, listen to Michael Bolton songs, take a bathtub for a hour, singing on the bath, changed up, and yeah, as usually, went to Jerry office.

As I arrived with the taxi, I saw there was many paparazzi in front the lobby door, as I walked in, the guard let me, cause he know me. And there was an unfamiliar face guy. I was standing on the lobby confusedly remembering who is that guy? As I realize is a long time guy I haven't met. Shit.

He looked at me suddenly, and shocked his head. "Carl?" He said as I fake a smiled.

"Oh hi then," I said. "You look more older." we laughs.

"You're going to Jerry?" He said pointing the elevator as we walk through it.

"Yes, and you must be to." I smiled as we goes to the elevator. It was just the both of us, and it was a very awkward silent. I was looking to the ground, he was look up, and just quiet.

Suddenly we arrived, as we goes out, and there was Jerry.

"Shit, oh god," he said panic, as me and Tony was confused. "Why you two come anyway?"

"You asked me," me and Tony said together as we shocked our head.

"Oh right, have a seat, talk, I gonna go to the toilet for twenty minutes." Jerry walked away left us. As we take a seat, and sit down, left one space beside us. We was quiet.

"So how was Joseph?" He said as I turned over him.

"He have a job," we smiled. "And he moved over New Jersey now." He nods.

"How was Thomas?" I said.

"Still my driver, sometimes. Now I drive." I chuckled.

"Glad to heard it now you can do it yourself." I smiled.

So Jerry, and me went to a lunch. I sat beside Tony, and Jerry is in front of me, and I kick Jerry foot. As there was a woman stand beside the table.

"Janice?" Tony said as the woman quickly kissed Tony, as I shocked, and look over Jerry as he shock.

"Who are they?" The woman said as I give her a smiled.

"I'm Carl, his friend." I said giving my hand, but she ignore, as I take my hand back.

"Jerry? We met before." Jerry said as she give us a arrogant look. How annoying is that?

"Honey," she sat over Tony lap, as I felt very uncomfortable. And stand up.

"Guys we had to go," I said grab Jerry shirt to stand up.

"Wait..." Tony said as I quickly grab Jerry outside.

We went to the Central Park, "What the hell was that?" Jerry said shockly.

"Sorry, that woman is such a bitch." Jerry chuckled.

"C'mon Carl, admit it, you liked him. I've knew it since the moment I he looked over you, I know when he fall in love with a woman. I'm his friend." I smirked.

"How can you know?" I said as we sat down on the bench.

"Eye contact, smile, hair, and specially his attitude," I raise his eyebrow. "You the first woman I've know in this world who can changed Anthony Fitzgerald Knight." I smiled in blushed.

"Oh really? How about that Janice girl?" I smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh bitch, stop." He said in a woman voice as I laughs.

So I spend the day with Jerry, and I went home, and there was a flowers in front my door.

'Can we talk? X' I smiled, oh Tony. As I smell the flowers, it was beautiful. As I walk in and throw the flowers over the table, and just forget about it.

So three days later, I finally realize I had to talk to him. Shit, what am I doing? I had to meet him on a cafe at ten am. I was waiting while a glass of coffee is in front of me. Then he walks in with a black sunglasses on, how handsome he was! I was starring at him for a while, as he take off the sunglasses, and walk over me.

"Hey," he smiled as he sit down.

"I'm sorry it take so long to meet you." I said as I take a sip of my coffee.

"It's fine, I waited patiently." He give a warm smiled.

"So, what you gonna talk about?"

"It's my fault," I chocked while drinking.

"What is the problem?" I said shockly.

"I should have let you go, lied to you. I should have knock on that door and said that I'm sorry, and I love you. It's all my regret to cheated on you." I shocked as the coffee fall to my shirt. Shit.

"Shit," I said put the coffee on the table, and stand up quickly.

"I'm so sorry," he said as I give him a annoying looks.

"I had to go," I faked a smiled, and walk out.

Okay why everyone didn't told me if Tony was cheating over me? Or I mean he lied to me? Oh that bastard, and how stupid is Jerry didn't told me about it all?

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