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(Hello Lovely, I'd just like to give a quick notice about this story, all dialogue / speech is all in English but for the book all the speech is spoken in Korean if you get what I'm saying because I just realised that makes no absolute sense, but basicallyyyyy all speech is spoke in Korean as they are in korea— but the actual writing is in English, if that makes any sense)


I stood in front of my room, 1404, I just stared at the metal door infront of me. As I searched my pocket for my keys, my mind wandered over to my best friend, Jung Jaeheon, he's a korean teacher and a Christian, everything he does is to do with God's will. When I go over to his room he always shows me his collection of katanas. He didn't have many, he only had a few that his parents left behind for him. I hadn't seen him in a while.

As I found my key and unlocked the metal door to my room. I sighed seeing the faded blood stains on my wall. "I'm a survivor." I thought to myself. 4 months ago I attempted to commit suicide. My parents had just died and I had just broken up with my boyfriend or now ex-boyfriend? And I lost my girl bestfriend along with breaking up with him. I opened the fridge door only to find that it was empty, not even a pack of instant noodle or ramen, nothing. "I should go and get groceries." I sighed as I slammed the fridge door shut. As I shifted the sleeves on my red hoodie, on of the many scars were visible. As I traced my finger across it, I sighed knowing only I had done this to myself, even though, I was a survivor of suicide, I was still ashamed of the hideous scars on my arm. I rolled my sleeve down and grabbed my purse of the kitchen table and walked out my small apartment room. Of course I locked my door on the way out.

I stood by the elevator as it dinged and the doors opened I saw a lady with a push chair exiting the elevator. "Hello." I bowed my head with my usual straight face. I hadn't smiled in what seems like a long time.. "Hello Y/n!" The lady smiled. "Can I see your baby?" I asked, politely. "Of course." The lady gestured one hand for me to see her baby. "Isn't she lovely?" The lady asked. Even though there was no-one there, "She's beautiful." I felt a small sad, smile creep onto my face. As the lady stepped into the elevator, she smiled just as the doors closed. "Poor lady, isn't she?" A familiar voice said which made me jump, I didn't know anyone was besides me. "Huh? Jaeheon." I said. I want to smile. I want to be myself again, even though I knew it was impossible to go back to my old self. I wanted to at least smile again. "A year ago when, she wasn't paying attention, the baby stroller slid down the road.. And the baby got..." Jaeheon said. "Oh.." I said in a low voice. "Ever since then she's become like that.." Jaeheon glanced as the elevator pinged and the doors opened again. "Poor lady.." I sighed stepping into the elevator with my wallet in my pocket.

As the elevator dropped down floors, on its way to the ground floor, Jaeheon and I stood in silence. "So, Y/n, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while." Jaeheon smiled, pushing his glasses over the bridge of his nose. "Agh, not bad I guess, what about you?" I asked. "Surprisingly good, for some reason I haven't had many students at the moment, so I haven't been very busy." Jaeheon rubbed the back of his neck. I punched his arm. "Ow! What was that for Y/n?" He asked, slapping my shoulder, playfully. "You haven't been busy, yet you didn't take time out of your very not busy day to come and talk to your bestfriend?" I asked putting my hand over my heart, dramatically. "Hm, nope." He admitted as the elevator came to a stop and the door opened. Whilst we were in the elevator I silently prayed not to see my ex.

As the doors pulled there way open I stepped out the elevator along with Jaeheon. "So where are you of too?" I asked. "I need to get groceries. I just hope they haven't closed yet." Jaeheon said checking the time on his watch. "We're both going to get groceries." I smiled as I went on my tiptoes and slung one arm around the back of his neck. Myself and Jaeheon aren't that far off from height, but if I go on my tiptoes I'm the same height as him. As we walked to the grocery store. There was a group of people crowded around the security guards door, causing a commotion. I unwrapped my arm from around Jaeheon's kneck and walked over. "Yo, what's going on?" I asked. "The security's door is locked and we can't open the barrier that's blocking us from getting out to go home." The owner of the grocery store whinged. I think his name is Kim Suk-Hyun or something like that. "Move." I sighed walking over to the door. I was gonna taekwondo kick this mother fuckers ass.

I'm a black belt in taekwondo so I kicked the door as hard as I could. The door busted open slightly, but you still couldn't open it, so I kicked it again for the second time as it opened slightly more. "Third times a charm." I thought as I kicked it as hard as I could. The door creaked open. God, people in movies make it look so dang easy but it bloody hurts more than hitting a brick wall. I turned around only to see him. "Y/n.." He muttered, gripping his fire extinguisher, tightly. His hair was messy, he still had the same glasses though, there was that.

"Lee Eunhyuk."

As I heard the barrier go up, I saw something, something not human. Seriously, not human. "BRING THE BARRIER DOWN!" Lee Eunhyuk yelled. But it was too late, the poor guy was grabbed by that thing's, extending tounge and smashed the guy into the ceiling. The guy's lifeless body dropped down to the floor as the monster spoke. "H....Hun.... HUNGRY..." It shrieked. I dropped my phone as it made its way towards us.

Lee Eunhyuk pushed me behind him. "When I say now, bring the barrier down!" Lee Eunhyuk yelled as he sprayed the foam from the fire extinguisher at the monster. The force of it pushed the monster outside, the monster was outside "NOW!" Eunhyuk shouted as the fire extinguisher ran out. "Shit.." Eunhyuk muttered as the monster came back inside. A familiar guy came charging knocking the monster out side as the barrier almost shut with the guy I called Mr Mobster, outside. "Cmon Mr Mobster! Get back inside!" I yelled running over the gate. I reached my hand out. Mr Mobster grabbed my hand as I pulled him inside. "I told you I'm a good guy, Y/n." Mr Mobster said as the monster tounge extended as it slightly scrapped some of the skin off the bridge of my nose. "Bitch!" I hissed as I took a step back away from the barrier. I put my hand on my nose as I walked over to Jaeheon. "Maybe.. Humanity has.. Finally.....Come to and end." Lee Eunhyuk said, thinking intensely.

"No shit sherlock." I said sarcastically. Everyone just looked at me surprised and shocked at what I had said. "I mean we did just get attacked by some non-anthropoid. So obviously humanity is going to be over run by a sub-human species." I sighed and explained something probably incable for others in the room to understand. "Huh!?" People asked in utter confusion. "You're not wrong." Mr Mobster and Lee Eun-Hyuk said at the same time.

"We..We're gonna die.." Kim Suk-Hyun muttered loud enough for us all to hear. "No shit sherlock I didn't realise, I mean do you think 9 of us can defeat hundred of those things." I said pointing outside to the monsters which now hundreds of them were, not just the one like before, hundreds.

"Barricade it." Lee Eunhyuk said. "Im going back upstairs to my room." Jaeheon muttered and made a run for it up to the stairs. He ran up the stairs as the door slammed only for us not to see him again. "JUNG JAEHEON WAIT FOR ME!" I shouted but before I could run someone grabbed my arm. "Nobody's going up there, we don't know how many of those things are up there, Y/n. I'm not letting you die going up there." I turned around only to see Lee Eunhyuk. "My bestfriend just went up there I'm not letting him die up there, atleast not alone." I said, trying to escape his grasp. "Y/n. You're not going up there." Eunhyuk said sternly. "You're not my boyfriend." I said trying to shake my arm out of his grasp. "Not anymore. So you can let go and stop trying to protect me." I said looking down at the floor.

I saw the hurt in his face when i said he wasn't my boyfriend. His arms dropped to his side, setting me free. I walked off, passing the door. He was somewhat right I can't go up there. They need as many preferably, alive rather than dead. I'm not going to go up there until I have a weapon to go up there with.

End of my f**king life.. L.EHWhere stories live. Discover now