chapter 7: Macy reveals the truth to Cody Burns

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A/N this will tell what type of nightmares Macy had when she was a child and yes this does mean FNAF 4 is here and only here! onto the Chappie!

~during the night Macy's nightmare was at its max causing her to wake up and nearly have a panic attack once she calmed down she quietly got up and left the room and headed to the kitchen then using hammer space she pulled out a thermos that had some tea~

Macy(me): (mind: maybe Unikitty is right and I should see someone about these nightmares....their getting out of hand and the others are getting worried and if I pass out from lack of sleep they might get really mad at me......)

Cody: *rubbing his eyes* Macy...?

Macy(me): Cody! sorry did I wake you up?

Cody: no...not really but why are you up?

Macy(me): I suffer from nightmares and the one I got this time almost caused me to have a panic attack I'm fixing myself some tea

Cody: oh okay but I have a question....

Macy(me): heh go ahead Cody

Cody: I know this might be personal but why did you run away from your village?

Macy(me): *sets her tea down and sighs* Cody there were many reasons but my uncle taking Star away from me and me having very real nightmares that made me stay up from 12 A.M (midnight) to 6 A.M (dawn) and my uncle trying to hurt me on top of that I think with the lack of sleep and the nightmares trying to attack me I snapped and grabbed a bag and packed it with everything I would need and made a rope and escaped during the night so nobody would see me and I ran as fast as I could.....

Cody: (mind: was her uncle that evil to pretend to be her father AND hurt her and Star?!).....

Macy(me): and I guess because of lack of sleep, him technically starving me, and me having very little energy I passed out and....from what I learned from ink my uncle somehow found me and dragged me by the arm to the mountain called Mt.Ebott and threw me into a hole in the mountain trying to get rid of me but it didn't work because I'm still here....

Cody: Macy....I'm so sorry for asking...

Macy(me): it's fine Cody you were just asking a question

Cody: okay 

~meanwhile with Lily~

Lily: *heard everything while on the stairs* (mind: oh my goodness.....)

Lily: *quietly walks back to her room and takes off her left arm and puts it on its charger and slowly falls asleep*

~back with Cody and Macy~

Cody: so you have a teenage mutant ninja turtle boyfriend?

Macy(me): yeah...we're soulmates Cody....

Cody: soulmates?

Macy(me): yeah *then Macy explained what a soulmate was*

Cody: so a mark will come and go and your hand and will tell you who your soulmate is? is that right?

Macy(me): yeah that's right Cody

Cody: so that's why there's a mark on your hand

Macy(me): *looks and sees a mark on her hand* y-yeah look how about you head back to bed Cody? we'll talk more in the morning okay?

Cody: okay goodnight Macy....

Macy(me): goodnight Cody.....

~after Macy went back to sleep she saw her memories some that she didn't even remember and she heard a tune the tune was familiar to her but she didn't know why she did now in the morning~

~🤖✨if I met the rescue bots Ft. unikitty my OCs and more!✨🤖~ (Huge Crossover!)Where stories live. Discover now