2 [ fuck you, deena johnson]

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"Franny, get up"
My brother Josh says and pulls the covers off of me revealing my bra and underwear

"Josh get out." I pull the covers back on me
" no , get up you've been in your room all day"
He throws a pillow at me


"Get up , now" he leaves my room, closing the door

I huff and lay back down on my bed



I get up out of bed and grabbed a pair of jeans and a  white spaghetti strap shirt

I slip them on and but on a belt along with some Betty black boots

I slick my hair back into a ponytail and style my baby hairs

I spray perfume and put on deodorant.

" who you dressing up for Frances?" I hear Simon say

I look over and see Kate smirk
She sits down on my bed and I sit next to her

I grabbed a cigarette from my pocket that's been in there since Thursday.

I light it and blow smoke out
"So what's going on today?"

" he came in while you were watching the kids? That's nuts" I say and Kate nods
"Yeah your right that's nuts" Kate says

"Fuck this , fuck Peter " deena says and grabs the car keys

" most importantly, fuck Sam"
Kate says and walks up to her

"Yeah fuck sam . She needs to get her bf in check"

She storms to the car and Simon gets up to follow her

Me and Kate follow them

"You coming or what?" I hear Kate ask josh making him smile and follow us

"Do you have any money?" I ask my brother josh while we were waiting for deena

"Im starving" Simon says and eyes josh making blush.
Aww my little fag

"N-no but" he walks up to the vending machine and punches in random codes.

All of a sudden, candy, chips, and muffins started falling down
He nervously crossed his arms looking at Simon

"How did you even do that?" Simon asked

"I traded some codes online" Josh says
"Cool" Simon says and smiles at him making josh look down nervously

We start to grab candy when Deena runs past us screaming 'run' while running with Same

"Did they get back together-" just then, ghost face killer ran right past Us making Kate scream

"Kate, josh, Simon! RUN!" I grab my girlf- Kate's hand and we run towards the exit

"Keys, keys where are the key"

"I don't have them"
Josh shrugged

"The ambulance!" We run to the ambulance and start it up

After about 2 minutes went by, I start to get nervous

"Calm down, I'm sure Deana and Sam are okay-" Kate started to reassure me but I cut her off
"Kate I couldn't give less of a fuck about sam. She hurt my sister. But deenas in there, what if she's hurt or something?" I start to panic

I grab onto my hair and start to sob
"Fuck fuck fuck" I chant repeatedly until sam came running into the ambulance

I look up
"Sam! Where the fuck is deena?!" I yell at her causing her to jump

Just then, deena came running into the ambulance with some blood on her

"DEENA!" I hug her tightly, not wanting to let go
"You scared me, you dork." I let go and nudge her a bit

"kate! Drive now!" Josh yelled and she slammed on the gas making the doors close
I quickly sit in my seat

"Holy shit!"

"Guys I pulled off his mask! It was Ryan Torres! The guy that was killed in the mall massacre "

"So they're all after us?!" Simon yells

"Holy-fucking-shit" I say to myself and run my hands through my hair

"Calm down. You'll get another attack" deena says and I nod my head

Suddenly, the truck comes to a stop and Kate comes back with all of us

"No theyre not after us. When we were in the woods, he ran right past josh" Kate says

"And in the hospital, skull mask ran right past us. They're after you Sam" josh says

"No wonder! Sam disturbed Sarah feirs grave. If i were her, I'd send my henchman after her too" I glare at Sam

"Fran, you're on their side too." Deena asked, madly

"No shit! She fucking hurt you but you're to oblivious of the fact. She's the reason we're in this shit now!" I yell making deena stand up

I stand up alone with her

Kate ran and sat me down, knowing me and deenas anger don't mix well together

"Yeah Kate, get your little bitch" deena says as Sam pulls her to sit down

"I fucking hate you deena Johnson." I say with a tear rolling down my eyes

"HEY! We are not doing this while there are killers after us okay!" Josh said

I fucking hate it here

Deena is so dumb. First sam moved on quick to Peter, then was in the car when Peter tried to kill us, and she's still on her fucking side? Bullshit

Tears start rolling down my face uncontrollably but the hair covering my face made no one notice.

I pulled out a pre-rolled blunt and lit it, smoking

I was so into my thoughts I didn't even hear a word josh said except "clean off sams blood and...

"We give them what they want."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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