chapter 3

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"Mommy!!!!" The boys shouted while running Into my arms

I pick Kenji and Kiyoshi up and go to their teacher and take Kota from him while Asahi held onto my top

"Hey baby what's the matter" I ask the boys as I sat back down with Kota on my lap the twins sat on my desk with Asahi stud next to me

"The mean guy was picking on Kiyoshi!!! So I told him to stop!!! But he didn't and he pushed him!! I got. Very mad and all of a sudden my hands set of explosions!!! And and Kiyoshi's hands sent on fire!!! But but we aren't hurt!!! It just scared us!!! Oh and Kota!!!" Kenji explained waving his hands about setting of mini-explosions off in his hands

I giggle at his antics "well Kenji that was your guy's quirks remember when Asahi got his quirk!" The tend giggled and nodded no longer crying

I felt a tug on my shirt I turned to my right to see a worried Asahi "what's up Asahi?"

He looks up at me with tears in his eyes "mommy who are they?" He asks I look at where he is pointing to Aizawa and Sero

I forgot they were there I giggle nervously "oh yeah Asahi, Kiyoshi, Kenji, Kota this is Aizawa and Sero my friends Aizawa, Sero these are my children Asahi, Kenji, Kiyoshi, and Kota," I say introducing them all to each other

The twins and Kota wave and smile at the two alphas however Asahi looks angry "mommy they're bad!!!'

The two alphas look shocked at the little kids angry " why are they, bad baby?" I ask

He looks at me "they alphas mommy!!! All alphas do is hurt, people!!! They hurt you, mommy!!!" He says tears appearing as he said the last sentence

I look at him shocked "but baby your an alpha?" I say he looks disgusted

"I wish I wasn't!! Alphas at bad!!" I see sero walk up to Asahi and kneel down

"I'm an alpha but that doesn't change who I am I'm still nice and I would never hurt people who are good people!" Asahi looks unconvinced "I would never hurt your mommy he is my friend and neither would Aizawa I would like to protect him"

Asahi looks hesitant "baby why don't you go touch him and see if he is telling the truth?"

Asahi looks up at me excited and kinda embarrassed that he forgot his own quirk

Sero looks nervous and confused but lets Asahi put his hand on his check anyway

After a few minutes Asahi and sero open their eyes and Asahi is smiling and giggling looking very happy and convinced

"You were right mommy he good alpha!!" He says giggling and running up to me I giggle back and say "I told you"

"I hate to ruin this nice moment but bakugou what do you mean children? Why didn't I know about this?" Aizawa said looking truly sorry he had to ruin the moment

"I mean what I said they are my children and I didn't tell anyone if I did they would be taken away from me!!!" Aizawa looks at me gently

He comes closer to me "bakugou I won't let anyone take your baby's okay?" He days

"But it's not your choice if you tell anyone outside this room they will take them away!!!" I say loudly getting worried

"That we will!" said a voice from behind us "you can not look after those children properly!! Those children look starved!! And you have obviously not been taking care of them enough and you probably don't even love them!!!"

We all look around to see midnight stood there looking mad and advancing to us looking ready to take my children

I wouldn't let that happen "mommy teleport us now!!!" Ashai says I nod and make grab everyone and teleport us all to a random location

I look around and we are in a dark alley I look around to see all four of my boys sat safely in a row in front of me they all run to me

I look around again to see Aizawa and sero running to us as well "is everyone okay?" I ask I get six nods I sigh in relief and hug my baby's close to me and ask "what do we do now?" You myself

But I hear Sero say "I have a place close to here where we will all be safe" and with that, he leads us to this safe place I really hope I won't regret this

chapter 4

we have been walking for quite a while but eventually, we reach a very nice looking house with three to four stories, and well it's a mansion but not an in your face kinda mansion I look at Aizawa and sero to see they now carrying the twins I have Kota in my arms and ashai holding my other hand looking rather tired 

"we are here!!" sero says pointing to the mansion in front of us much to Ashai obvious excitement at the big house and even bigger garden to play in "this is your house, Mr. Sero!!" he says letting go of my hand and running up to the opening gate and down the driveway 

"Ashai!" I shout running after him to stop him before he breaks something we can't afford to replace the may be mature but he is still a kid 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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