chapter 2

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The monster lets out an unholy screech that leaves Sam's ears ringing. Yellow gunk is spewing from the wound. Her hand dives back in grabbing a bone, and with more strength then her body has, brakes it away. The monster is desperately trying to throw her off but she is not letting go. She screams, heart broken, and rapidly stabs it in the back of the neck repeatedly. Even after the vile creature stops struggling she keeps going. More come running, only seeing food. Sam growls and runs with imposable speed, she's to angry to notice. Taking the bone she held and using it as a weapon she kills any of them close enough. The large group of demons reduced to now only a few. The one that remain being smart enough to run away to join with the rest covering the world.

Once the field calms from the activity everything goes quite. Sam falls to her knees devastated, her only companion being the wind and still warm bleeding dead bodies. The rage fades and a feeling of dissociation fills her entire being as something detaches itself from her. Looking up, that glowing jellyfish from before is floating in front of her and tears fall more rapidly down her face. She stands on unstable legs and walks through the blood shed. No one else seems to have survived the attack and she wishes she didn't either. Her breathing picks up as the shock wears off and reality sets in. People are dead. She arrives at Aurei's corpus, because that's what he is now. Dead. Just like everyone else in this godforsaken place. she sobs out in grief, not like anyone is gonna hear her anyway. It's all so pointless now. Why did this happen, why now?! the anger returns and she slams the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, a light catches her attention. That stupid jellyfish had followed her. Somehow this is all its fault and she chucks a rock at it. The dumb thing just floats to the side avoiding the projectile. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" she screams harshly at it. A disembodied voice fills her mind. "I want to help you." she thinks for a moment "Before, when things got weird... was that you?'' The voice returns "I wanted to show my appreciation from earlier when you and the little one did not hurt me" Sam startled for a moment "wait how are you even talking to me and what did you even do to me?!" "I am telepathic and I merged with you giving you my ability's and knowledge. Being merged with me also elevates the effect of your emotions. Sorry for not asking first but we did not have time." she sits there for a few moments thoughtless, trying desperately to make sense of it all. "am I dead? I have to be because none of this is real and it is to vivid to be a dream." "it is all real" so that means her brother really is dead. "was that the only ship or are there more?" the blob moves closer "There was one ship to enter each county and held about 100 on each ship. I know this because they destroyed my own planet." "well that's not my problem now is-" the voice cuts her off before she can continue "you misinterpret my intentions, I wish only to help you. let me merge with you again" Sam immediately responds with an offend no. "normally I would respect your desire for me not to but if I don't everyone will die" "I don't care about anyone else! let them all die for all I care!" the jellyfish floats in front of her face. "well I care and you are going to help me, I have not had a more compatible host to merge with. my siblings are out there and if you are not gonna save your people then help me save mine. I can not control you but you WILL help me wipe out this parasitical race." before she can respond the flash from before happens and the feeling of being the center of the universe returns. 

I finds myself suspended in the cosmos and they jelly is beside me, it speaks again. "we are in a pocket dimension that is created by a collision from our 2 conscious. basically in our shared mindscape. I am Leelo and I am a Trite, what you just fought was a Bylow. Im sure you are feeling different than normal, I will explain. By being combined with me you get the traits that are specific to me. I am the spirit of what you humans call wolves and stealth. Good for infiltration and tracking. I offer Heighted senses, increased speed and strength, as well as impeccable stealth. I can tell You are a lone wolf and this works in our benefit. Wolf is just what I chose to represent the skills I offer. None of your physical features change. You should feel multiple essence's just outside of our reach of awareness, those are my brothers and sisters. It seems they have also found hosts. You will have a better 'radar' then the others. Originally we had to agree to stay in hiding but then the attack happened and we can't sit by and watch as another race is torn apart. We need to get back to the others and we can at least save you 7 and maybe a few others. If we can steal one of your governments ships we can all escape, save the few that we can." leelo seems to have finally finished and doesn't continue. the spirit thing just floats there aimlessly, its hard to tell if its looking at me but im sure it is. "I want you out of my head and I am going home. I don't care. If I die then that's my own fault, but Im not saving anyone." Leelo does not respond. "hey at least have the decency to talk to me" Leelo does nothing and I start getting irritated even more "You are crazy, just leave me alone" the space around me fades away and it is just me in the bloody battle field. Leelo then speaks from my head but I fail to see her anywhere. "you have a chance to prevent this from continuing, I suggest you take it child" she states firmly. The tears return with a vengeance. "leelo Im just a high schooler, you cant expect this from me" "it is ok child, I will help you when I can. We should get moving before the Bylow's come back. I nod and attempt to stand. It's hard to ignore the horror laid before me. I slowly pick my way through trying not to vomit at the sticky blood covering everything. The smell just adding to the sight. 

I walk back home.

I unlock the doors and enter the empty house. I wonder what happened to my parents. With that thought in my mind I pull out my phone and try to call them. No answer. I probably only have a few hours before everything goes off line. I have to accept that the world will become apocalyptic. Shaking my head I bring my focus back. Im gonna need a shower because leelo told me that the monsters can smell blood. That's a place to start. Im pretty sure im still in shock... everything seems so distant and it is so hard to think. In the shower I scrub and scrub and scrub, trying desperately to get the blood off me. I have heard about this before. People will scrape their skin off trying to cleanse themselves of blood, germs, or wrongs they have commited when there isn't anything on them. Does that make me crazy? What does it matter anymore. Leelo says something but im not paying attention. They only thing I can focus on is the water scalding my skin, so hot but the burn feels good.... better then the cold chills I had on my walk back over. The water hurts more and more, to the point I can't stand the temperature anymore but I can't move. I'm frozen to the spot. I quickly realize I'm not even breathing. I gasp in air and start coughing as my oxygen starved lungs draw in harsh breaths. Darkness creeps in the edges of my vision and I slide down the wall of the shower, legs no longer able to support me. The world is closing in and there is nothing I can do about it. 

I come back to awareness choking on boiling water and Leelo yelling in my head. My throat is burning from the water. I must have passed out and fallen over into the water pooled at the bottom because my drain sucks. I almost drowned... and that doesn't bother me. Coughing I crawl out of the shower and just lay on the floor listening to the spray still running. I lay there In a dazed confusion, still trying to get hot water out of my lungs. Leelo is still yelling in concern and it is so very annoying so I mentally yell back for her to shut up already. I never wanted any of this. Leelo goes quite and I painfully sigh. Looks like I won't be talking for awhile with how badly I burned myself. I finally stand up and dry myself off and then drop the towel over the wet puddle I left on the floor. I change into really comfy but practical tactical pants that have lots of pockets. I throw on a light breathable shirt and then a dark camo hoodie over it. Me and dad would go hunting and camping a lot so I just wear what I normally do for that. I pack up some extra cloths and battery's for my heavy duty flashlight and radio. In my parents room I grab my dads survival bag and stuff all my things in it. He was one of those guys who is always paranoid about the apocalypse and is over prepared. After that I unlock his safe and grab a bunch of his knives, ammo, and his rifle as well as his hand gun. Even if I die might as well as honor my family's death by going out with a fight. After I finish upstairs I go to the kitchen and grab as much water, food, and vitamins I can fit into my bag. Dad has rations and water filters stored in the bag but they will only last so long.

 I feel Leelo nudge my mind and I look out the window to see one of those alien's eat my neighbor. With that my fear returns and I hide behind the counter. Im not sure how long I sat there but I didn't move till I heard it leave. "Lee.... can't I just stay here?" "Im sorry child but we must leave" "But why" "Because the Bylow's will still find you." I take a shaky breath and stand nodding my head "ok, I can do this" I take a deep breath and take a step right as I hear a loud roar nearby and a bunch of feet running. I immediately fall back to my hiding spot whimpering "I can't, I can't, I can't, I ca-" Leelo peels from my body and the warm comfort I hadn't noticed she had been offering leaves as well, and my body goes cold again even with my thick hoodie. "wait no! where are you going" I whisper yell in a panic, I try to grab at her but my hand goes right through her. "No please don't, Please don't leave" She is gone and im all alone. What did id do to deserve this? Leelo's light returns and she glides next to me her gently pulsing light helping me calm my breathing "I checked, and the Bylow's are not near us" I narrow my eyes at her "don't leave me" she combines with me yet again "I thought you didn't like me" I can definitely pick up the sass she is giving me. Rolling my eyes I finish gathering what I need. "Can't I at least sleep here? It's not like they have noticed yet. The spirit is quite before I feel her nod in my head. It was a very strange sensation. "We can rest here, you need it, it has been a long day. We do need to leave before they sniff you out though." "Let them come, im to tired to deal with this" I know its a lie, I don't want them to find me. 

I make my way to Auri's room and lay down on his bed. Curling up in his soft blanket that smells like him, I fall into an uneasy sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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