Who I Am

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I tried to break free.

I did.

I told you to go away; leave me alone and never come back because you didn't need to this.

You disagreed.

You said you felt the need to; to expose me for who I really am.

But, here's my question:

How do you know who I am, when I don't even no myself?

Do you have my brain, my body?

Do you control them?

You say you have the right to.

You have your opinions; I have mine.

Opinion (noun):

A belief or judgement that rests on grounds insufficient to produce certainty.

That's the definition dictionary.com gave. But there's another:

A belief or judgement made by a certain person as a specific view/outlook.

I have my opinions.

My opinion is that you can't judge me before I can.

You don't have the right.

You will never have a right.


Because in the words of Bon Jovi:

It's my life.

I decide who I am.

Because that choice is mine.

You have a body, a mind and a seemingly black heart. It's your choice what to do with it.

But me?

That's my choice. And mine alone.

I have flaws, yes, I wouldn't be human without them.

But, it's still my job to fix them.

Don't give your opinion, it's not necessary. I don't need it.


I don't want it.

Stay away from me.

I get to decide, not you.

I get to decide who I am.

A/N: I got a comment saying they'd like this continued so I decided to make one extra part to this but I'm afraid that's it.

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