The Secret Child (I mean adult!)

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  Hey, y'all! After 3 days, I just realized I didn't give Harley an accent! Just imagine please. Anyway, Liam's POV, blah blah blah, backstory, blah blah blah. Please vote share and comment plot ideas! Bye! And to quote Reese from marvelisourtype, I hope you Midgardians have a bomb bass day!

  Liam's POV

  I'll start at the beginning. About 2 years ago (present time), Loki kidnapped Wanda. What no one else knows is that they actually went back in time! 3 billion, 3 thousand years ago, to be exact. And there, they got a little touchy. The less I say, the better.

As you should have guessed, out popped me. Now, if you Google what Earth was 3 billion years ago, it will say a water world. But Wanda and Loki created a little island. Most people call it Atlantis, I don't know. Anyway, they had to flee because of the continents rising and all that. Guess what they forgot? Me.

Being part good, and part Witch, I was born with certain... gifts. Infinite life and the ability to bring people back to life, to name a few. I was the cause of many good things in history. And bad. I signed the Magna Carta. I founded the Free Masons and formed the Illuminati. I also caused the eruption at Pompeii and Krakatoa. I signed the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. I may or may not have killed the dinosaurs too... sorry about that. I waited to arrive at the right time. I honed my powers and trained a lot. I was present for both my mother and fathers birth. I was in the lab for the experiments on Steve and I was part of the Red Room to see Nat. I watched Tony rise to power. SHIELD was my idea. Oh, and I was the one who "accidentally" let loose the radioactive spider that bit Peter. Sorry not sorry. I fought in WWI and II. I was responsible for almost every nation's independence on Earth. I nearly choked on my popcorn when Hydra used the Tessaract, but that was solved. After the attack on New York though, I decided I had to help. So here I am. Me and mom made up, but Loki is dead to me.

  Ok, that's enough of my past, now to the present.

  There was a sharp knock at my door. A loud bang followed as the door fell to the floor. If I had not been sleeping, the door would still be on its hinges. Standing in the hallway was a very shocked Harley.

  "H-hey. Um, Mr. Stark told me to come get ya."

  "Yeah? Did he also tell you not to wake me up?" I asked, pretending to be mad.

  Apparently it worked because he stuttered out "N-no. Was I not supposed ta?" He looked really nervous. I broke into a grin.

  "It's fine. I just like blowing doors off their hinges every once in a while." Once he realized I was joking, he smiled too. "Give me a second or two." The door floated back up, held by wisps of green mist. I rushed, pulling on my robes, pendants and my tiwaz ring. It was the only thing of my father's that I kept, and only because it wasn't technically his. It was Odin's but he told Loki to give it to me. I opened the door again. "Let's go!" Harley pushed himself off the wall.

  "D' ya mind gettin Peter? I don't want a bottle of chemicals in my face next." I laughed and nodded.

  "You go ahead. I can handle Mr. Late Sleeper." He walked away to the elevator, going up to the 93rd floor. The missions briefing room. Why would he be going? I thought. It was on the highest floor because when we leave on missions Tony and I have a flair for leaping off the side of the tower and then stopping at the last second before hitting the ground. Approaching the door, I heard snores. I rolled my eyes. Not bothering to knock, the door magically swung open. I would have blown this one open too, but Tony gets kinda mad. I walked into Peter's room. And of course, he was passed out in his suit. This kid is gonna get caught one day!, I thought. I leaned down, putting my mouth right next to his ear. Another one of my talents is very good imitations of people. So naturally, I decided to do Harley.

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