Chapter 17

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"Wait! Wait! Wait! The way that security guard was breathing chasing you though!" Emilia said trying to catch her breath in between laughs

"Right? The security guard's here are usually fit, I thought the only fat ones were in America" Jay said teasingly

"Hey!" Emilia gave Jay a playful slap on the arm "America is great once you get past all the...bad stuff"

" it's never great?" Jay teased again causing both of them to die with laughter

Emilia and Jays were just getting to the hotel after having a day filled with music, curiosity, learning, and a bunch of laughter. After Jay spent time in the studio, he decided to treat Emilia to a nice day of Korean bbq and the Seoul Museum of Art. Emilia was on cloud nine, thinking about the first time she met him and how he whisked her away on a similar cascade around town, except they were in Itaewon shopping and seeing other sights while also getting her roommate to lie for her in exchange for info on Charmains fake I.D. guy. That whole day reminded her of the Lizzie Mcguire movie. She was riding around aimlessly without care with her own personal Paolo and she loved it. However, it would soon come to an end and there would be no debut concert or dance number to show off her non-existent vocal skills. She would say bye to Jay promising that she'd come back soon, which wasn't a lie at first. Until she and James made it official. Then Jay and her just became IG friends and would text here and there only as friends, but she couldn't help but be happy for once not being tied down. She liked this feeling of spontaneity and adventure, even if she could only experience it once.

"Thank you, for today. I had no idea you knew black pink"

"Yeah well, they don't call me a boss for nothing," Jay said playfully popping his collar and opening the door to their hotel room

Emilia just laughed and shook her head, "And the museum was amazing!"

"Yeah, I remembered you liked all that nerdy shit" he joked causing Emilia to slap him repeatedly again as they both laughed

"Aye! Aye! Stop! This is Gucci!"

"You're just lucky I had a good day today, you really know how to make a woman feel better"

"Well, I aim to please," he said grabbing her waist "In more ways than one" he leaned into the crook of her neck and began to slowly leave kisses before Emilia shrugged him off

"Um..I should umm..knock out alone tonight, don't wanna miss my flight" she said hesitantly

"Oh..okay yeah that's fine," said Jay

While Emilia was having a great time and would love to end her weekend with a bit more of Jays tender, lust, and care. She knew she had to get back to reality soon, back to work, her friends, her life without James. Confront her final stage of healing and go on with her life. Plus her friends have been blowing up her phone like crazy, Emilia isn't really the type to just, runoff. Especially to another country to see a man. The two approached the hotel room dropping their food and souvenirs in the huge presidential suite "living room.

"So I take the guest room and you can have to main bed to yourself?" Emilia asked. Jay waved a hand and scoffed, "E, no, I'm a big boy I can take the guest room, you are my guest, take the main bed"

Emilia lifted the corner of her mouth and gave a half-smile, "Thanks again Jay, for everything" she held his hand ensuring him that she didn't take his kindness or his sex for granted. She wasn't sure when she was going to see him again, or if this was the last time but she wanted to make sure he knew and even maybe remind herself that her time spent with him was genuine.

Fisher Dynasty *Jordan Fisher Fan-fic *Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora