Chapter 3: Celedon's Pokemon Center

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A/N: So far only one person has left a comment saying Meowth should be able to talk. There is still time before I decided on what to do with him. Just leave a comment letting me know what you think I should do with him.

Now on to the chapter!

"Hey, do you mind telling me what you're doing in Celedon city um," Edward said pausing realizing I haven't told him my name yet.

"The name is Jessica and I was just passing through to head to Viridian City. So I can register for the upcoming Pokemon league," I replied.

"Cool that exactly where I was heading. We can travel there together," Edward said as he pushed my bike in the direction of the repair shop.

"What do you think Cream? Should we travel with him?" I asked looking down at the Eevee in my arms.

"Eevee," Cream nodded in agreement.

"Well, it settled we will travel together. Who knows it might be a lot of fun," I replied.

"Agree it shouldn't take long to get to Viridian besides register doesn't start up for a while," Edward said. "Anyway here is the repair shop. You wait here since I pay for the repair since it got destroyed almost crashing into me."

"You would do that?" I said confused about why he was offering to pay.

"Of course it's only the right thing to do for a beautiful girl," He smiled walking into the shop after returning his Abra.

"You know that guy not too bad," I sated.

"Eve," Cream said agreeing with me as we waited for him to come back out.


A couple of minutes he later he comes back out with a card. That said my bike will be fixed up as soon as possible with a number I call. Most likely to see how much longer until it fix-up.

"Thanks," I said putting the card in my bag.

"Nobody now why don't we grabbed something to eat at the Pokemon Center and get your Eevee healed on up," He sated. "Then we can continue traveling to Viridian City."

"Sound like a plan to me," I agreed as the two of us started making our well to the Pokemon Center to grab something to eat. As well as healing up Cream and his Abra.

"So Jessica what made you want to enter the Pokemon league. I decided to enter hoping to get strong enough to open a gym like my mother, but haven't decided on my specialty yet," He said turning to face me as we continue to walk.

"I originally wanted to become a Pokemon Nurse but sadly I didn't graduate. So I decided that maybe I enter the Pokemon league instead," I replied.

"Well wants to stop you to try the nursing school again? Besides even if you didn't succeed you could always try Pokemon breeder. If you decide that gym battles aren't for you," Edward said with an eyebrow raised.

"I had my mind settle on Pokemon nurse that I guess I didn't think about the possibility of being a Pokemon breeder," I said with a shrugged.

He nodded his understanding as we reached the Pokemon Center. It was a large building with a red roof a huge Pokeball in the center with a plus symbol on the inside circle.

Walking inside through the automatic doors. I spotted the waiting areas to the right and left. There was a woman with pink hair standing right behind the counter and a set of double doors right behind her. There were some video phones nearby in the waiting area allowing you to make phone calls.

"Good afternoon Nurse Joy," Edward greeted as he walked up to the counter to with Nurse Joy.

"Hello, how can I help you this morning?" She asked in a happy tone.

"I and my friend were hoping you could give our starter Pokemon a check-up," He explained holding out a Pokeball and waving me over.

"Of course just hand me your Pokemon and let me see your ID," She said with a smile on her face as held out her hand for our Pokedex and Pokemon.

I returned Cream to her ball before handing it over to Nurse Joy along with my ID so she has proof of us being actually Pokemon trainers.

After taking our Pokeballs and ID she inserted them into the slot on the PC and typed down a few things before giving the Pokedex back to us. "Miss. Parker and Mr. Rosewood. I will have Cream and Cosmic ready in a couple of hours. So why don't you grab some lunch while you wait? I call your name on the speaker once they're ready for pickup."

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," I and Edward I both said at the same time taking back our Pokedex.

"That what I'm here for," She said in a cheery time as she took the pokeballs and left through the double doors.

"Come on let's grab us some lunch," Edward said heading towards the cafeteria.

"Sounds good with me," I agreed following after him towards the cafeteria to grab something to eat for lunch. While waiting for our Pokemon to be ready to pick up.

End of Chapter!

Well, here you guys go here the third chapter of my new story. I have a lot of stories going on but most of them are hold due to serious writer's block. In this story, I plan to have Jessie going on a Pokemon journey. I'm not sure about Meowth and James yet. I might have James join her at some point.

Let me know what you think of this new story so far down below in the comments.

Q: When do you think she should run into James and Meowth?

Jessica Pokemon team:

Stater: Eevee (Cream)

Edward Pokemon team:

Starter: Abra (Cosmic)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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