Chapter 1: The Greatest Show (Remastered)

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Third POV
Y/N wakes up and grabs his phone with hesitating

Y/N: Another boring shit day

Y/N looks at his phone

Y/N: Huh it's C/N. Wonder what he wants

Y/N answers the phone


Y/N: Before you say anything else, why did you call me and say it calmly

C/N: Ok so theirs thus new anime series and its the best! Come by my mansion and watch with me!

Y/N: I ain't an anime watcher and I don't need any entertainment

C/N: Come on! Doing anything other than training is better for you!

Y/N: Getting fit and not getting diabetes is not better than being a pedophile for little girls from anime?

C/N: Not all of us weebs are pedophiles Y/N, just chillax and come at my mansion before the afternoon!

C/N hangs up the phone

Y/N: ...

Y/N gets out of his bed and does his normal morning routine, doing 100 sit ups, 100 push ups and 100 squats.

Y/N: Now since that's over with

Y/N goes out of his room and sees that Gideon and Lyn are already by his door

Y/N: Did both of you stay up all day just for me again?

Gideon: It is our job Young Master Y/N, now your mother ordered us to bring you to her so both of you can have breakfast

Y/N sighs

Y/N: Alright thank you Gideon

Y/N walks inside the elevator and went to the kitchen where his mom was cooking

Gideon: Miss L/N, I beg you to stop cooking so we can do it for you

Gideon pleaded to Y/N's Mother

Y/N's Mother: Its fine, the L/N's need to be independent for these simple tasks

Lyn: Yeah so loosen up Gideon

Gideon sighs in defeat knowing Y/N's Mother would just cook either way

Y/N's Mother: Hey sweetie come sit down so we can eat

Y/N: ...

Y/N didn't respond and he just sat down

Y/N's Mother put Y/N's favorite dish on the table

Y/N: Thank you Mom

Y/N's Mother smiled at Y/N whole Y/N just looked emotionless while eating fast

Y/N's Mom: I heard C/N wants you to go to his mansion today so both of you can do something together

Y/N: Well I'm not sure if I want to go

Gideon: What if it's an ambush from the "Liberator" L/N's! We cannot risk Young Master Y/N's life under any circumstances!

Lyn: Master C/N's family is apart with our L/N function Gideon, Y/N can just spend time with his cousin.

Y/N's Mom: Then it's settled, you will be going to C/N's mansion whether you like it or not

Y/N: Fine

Y/N finishs his breakfast and goes out of his mansion

Gideon: Are you sure you don't want to use any type of vehicle Master Y/N

Y/N: Yes I'm sure Gideon

Lyn: Not even a bike?

Y/N: Very tempting offer but I have to refuse

Lyn giggles

Y/N: Hmm

Y/N smiles a bit secretly

Y/N: Anyways it's better that I exercise while I'm going to his mansion

Y/N jogs to C/N's mansion and goes to his gate

C/N: New mansion who dis?

Y/N: Your cousin, now let me in before anyone sees me

C/N: I got you

C/N opens his many security gates and tells his guards to not do anything to Y/N

Y/N knocks C/N's door

C/N opens it

C/N: Hey Y/N! How long has it been?

Y/N: Two years, now where's that new anime that you were talking about?

C/N: Here!

C/N grabbed a case saying "Attack on Titan"

Y/N: Attack on Titan? Never heard of it

C/N: Me either but it seems old

C/N takes off some dust off of it

Y/N: Huh it seems interesting

C/N: That's what I thought as well

Y/N: Did you try searching it up?

C/N: Yeah but nothing shows about it

Y/N and C/N were looking at it amazed

Y/N: Well then let's watch it

Y/N and C/N watch Attack On Titan from Season 1 to Season 4 Part 2

C/N: Holy-

Y/N: Shit.

Y/N: This is the-


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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