Chapter 1, part 1

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First off, thank you for choosing to read my story. I'll try to update as much as my schedule will allow me.

I may go back and forth, editing chapters.

Please no rude or inappropriate comments. Thank you!

Story takes place after 'Rage Against the TV'.

The song in this chapter is 'Born to be Wild' by Steppenwolf.


~The House, morning~

Mordecai & Rigby were leaving their bedroom to go play video games downstairs, when they enter the hallway and see Benson, holding his clip board, talking to a couple of burly guys holding boxes.

"Okay, right here in this room", Benson says, as he directs the guys to one of the empty rooms down the hall.

"Hey Benson, What's going on?", asks Mordecai.

"Yeah, who are these guys?'',Rigby questions

"They're movers", Benson replies flatly. "They're here bringing in the new worker's stuff."

"Wait, we're getting a new worker?", Mordecai asked.

"Yes, we're getting a new worker!" Benson answered, his voice rising out of frustrated, "Didn't you hear anything from last week's meeting?!"

"Uhhh..." Mordecai and Rigby droned, unsure how to answer.

Benson groans, then continues," But yes, we're getting a new worker. She called in about the position almost two weeks ago, she qualified and now, she's moving in today."

"Wait, SHE?" Rigby questions.

"Yes, SHE." Benson replied. "Her name is Addy Martin. She's moving in today and will start working as soon as possible. Also, I know it's normal to prank newcomers, but try not to go overboard, got it?"

"Uh, yeah, we got it Benson.", Mordecai replied nervously.

Benson sighs, then says, "Okay, then, she should be here in about an hour, so be ready." He then heads downstairs.

"Dude, I can't believe we're going to be working with a chick" Rigby says, as he and Mordecai head downstairs.

"Chill out dude, she might be really cool", Mordecai says calmly.

The guys make it to the living room and started playing video games. Almost an hour later, Benson calls everyone to the front.

"All right you guys, Addy should be soon.", Benson says, looking down at his clipboard, "Most of her stuff is already in her room, thanks to the moving guys. But she does have a few boxes with her, so if you could, help her out with that. After that, you'll report back here, so I can give you guys your assignments for today. Everybody got that?". Everybody responds in agreement.

Just then, the guys hear rock music playing in the distance, slowly getting louder.

[2:22] 🎵Yeah, darlin' gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace🎵

The guys looked in the direction of the park's entrance, and see a person driving down the pathway on an olive green Vespa, with a small trailer hitched to the back, containing a few boxes.

As the scooter got closer, the guys see that the driver was wearing a green and black flannel over a black t-shirt, with dark blue jeans. The driver was also wearing a white helmet, with long black hair coming out the back. The helmet also has a visor, which is concealing the top half of their face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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