I wrote a song

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Scorpius Malfoy likes Rose Weasley. But, he doesn't have the courage to say it to her. So, he writes a song to vent out his feeling. And he is not good at it Or is he?

You find so many people are grave
But you, you are mostly brave

I like the way you chuckle.
You do it like a buckle.
I like the way you laugh.
You do it on my behalf.
I like the way you walk.
You do it like a talk.

You find so many people are disarming
But you, you are mostly charming

I love the way you wear your hair,
Spreading your style everywhere.
You're like a style fountain.
Enough sass for a whole mountain.

You find so many people are confined
But you, you are mostly kind

You're the perfect girl.
Leaving me in such a whirl.

You find so many people are synergistic
But you, you are mostly optimistic

Brave, charming and loving,
Kind and optimistic too,
Are the qualities of you.

It's just a song. And it is from Scorpius's POV. It is meant to be funny. I hope you had a good laugh.

The Way You Chuckleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें