Quirks and Shit

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TW: Mentions of alcohol and cussing

So introductory chapter for quirks and roles for different characters. If you've seen this on the MHA Amino that's me and this is my take on this AU. I've seen it before but thought I'd try to do something with it. The characters' quirks are gonna relate to Minecraft while also having a realistic twist.

Technoblade- Teacher

Named after his quirk, Technoblade can summon hellish creatures (Withers (only two at most)) and a long black metal sword (netherite). While these creatures are summoned his agility, strength, and speed are increased to inhuman levels and his accuracy and five senses are heightened.
His quirk gives him an extended adrenaline rush which allows for the speed and sense boosts. He can also shift into a more human looking form, he usually is in this form when interacting as to not scare any of his classmates. The rest of the time he is in a Piglin type of form.

Drawbacks - The creatures will attack him if they are out for too long. And the sword will break after a while. Using his quirk also tires him out when he deactivates it and can get to the point of passing out when it's deactivated. He also will not notice any wounds he receives until after which can be deadly. He cannot reactivate it until he's rested and if he's in the state for too long he loses control. His quirk can also activate during strong fits of rage.

Dream - Teacher

His quirk is called Operator. He is basically DreamXD but in real life. He can control things and bring things into existence. A second part of his quirk is called revive, he can bring people back to life.

Drawbacks - When he creates things his god complex starts to show and he can be very picky and a bit of a prick. Another thing is that when he tries to create living things it can get messy and contorted. And just like Technoblade he gets very tired after deactivating it. His revival quirk can only work if the person has been dead for less than a week. The longer the person has been dead the more different they act. It cam also take months for his quirk to recharge so he can use it.

Ranboo - Student

His quirk is call Enderman, when activated his red eye turns green and the ender particles are more noticeable. His speech is also a bit distorted (mostly noises like when he speaks enderman). Being in this state allows him teleportation and the strength to pick up any object.

Drawbacks - Being in the state for too long activates a more primal version of the quirk where he has no control and the enderman side of his body starts to slowly cross over to the human part. When in the enderwalk state he is more agitated when eye contact is made with him. He also will start to pick up random object to fight with. He is aware of who his enemy is, however is easy to take advantage of in this state at the same time.

Skeppy - Student

His quirk is called Diamond Skin. He can produce objects made of a diamond like substance from his skin, he can also cover his skin in a diamond like substance and make spikes protrude from it.

Drawbacks - If he uses the spike or diamond skin for too long his skin gets dry and cracks. If his quirk if activated longer than his limit he starts to bleed.

J.Schlatt - Teacher

His quirk is called Apollo. He can summon a crossbow and shoot people with it. Like how you can in Minecraft, he can shoot things like poison tipped and healing arrows. Also arrows of invisibility. The more he drinks the more accurate his aim is. He is not allowed to drink during school however he does anyways cause he's a bad teacher.

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