Chapter two

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My heart is pounding. The dick shaped elevator arrives on the first dick floor, and I scramble out as soon as the doors slide open, stumbling once, but fortunately not sprawling on to the immaculate penis floor. I race for the wide dick doors, and I'm free in the bracing, cleansing, damp air of AG. Raising my mole, I welcome the cool refreshing cum rain.

No doll has ever affected me the way Logan and his tiny scabby dick has, and I cannot fathom why.

Is it his looks, his trumpness, doesn't understand my irrational reaction.

I breathe an enormous sigh of relief. What in heaven's name was that all about. Leaning against one of the steel dick pillars of the building, I valiantly attempt to calm down and gather my thoughts. I shake my head. Holy fuck - what was that. My stuffing steadies to its regular rhythm, and I can breathe normally again. I head for the car.

As I leave the city, I begin to feel foolish and embrassed. I replay the memory of us caressing eachother next to the trump portrait and banging against the large steel dicks attached to the large dick wall.

Why did I ask him is he was gay? Of course he wasn't gay, hes republican and they hate homosexuals.

I scold myself, put it behind you and never return there ever again. You naughty, naughty girl.

"Tenney! You're back." Gabrielle sits in our living area, surrounded by books. She's clearly been studying for finals - though she's still in her pink flannel AG pajamas decorated with cute little penises, the ones she reserves for the aftermath of breaking up with boyfriends, for assorted illnesses, and for general moody depression. She bounds up to me and hugs me hard.

"I was beginning to worry. I expected you back sooner."

"Oh, I thought I made good time considering the interview ran over." I wave the mini-disc recorder at her.

"Tenney, thank you so much for doing this. I owe you, I know. How was itWhat was he like?" Oh no - here we go, the Gabrielle  Inquisition.

I struggle to answer her question. What can I say?

"I'm glad it's over, and I don't have to see him again. He was rather intimidating, you know." I shrug. "He's very right wing, intense even - and young. Really young."

Gaberielle gazes at me innocently. I frown at her.

"Don't you look so innocent. Why didn't you give me a biography. He made me feel like such an idiot for skimping on basic research." Gaberielle clamps a hand to her mouth.

"Jeez, Tenney, I'm sorry - I didn't think."

I huff.

"Mostly he was aggressive,mysoginistic , slightly stuffy - like he's old before his time. He doesn't talk like a man of twenty-something. How old is he anyway?"

"Twenty-seven. Fuck, Tenney, I'm sorry. I should have briefed you, but I was in such a panic. Let me have the mini-disc, and I'll start transcribing the interview."

"You look better. Did you eat your human hands?" I ask, keen to change the subject.

"Yes, and it was delicious as usual. I'm feeling much better." She smiles at me in gratitude. I check my watch.

"I have to run. I can still make my shift at AG."

"Tenney, you'll be exhausted."

"I'll be fine. I'll see you later."

I've worked at Ag since I started at Inner Star U. It's the largest independent doll store in the American area, and over the four years I've worked here, I've come to know a little bit about  everything we sell - although ironically, I'm crap at any doll knowledge. I leave all that to my dad. I'm much more of a curl-up-with-a-vibrator-in-a-comfy-chair-by-the-fire kind of girl. I'm glad I can make my shift as it gives me something to focus on that isn't Logan. We're busy - it's the start of the summer season, and folks are buying summer accessories for their doll. Mrs. Pleasant is pleased to see me.

I come home from work and curl up with my vibrator in my white iron bed with my Ag quilt around me. I fall asleep while masturbating.

For the rest of the week, I throw my self into self pleasuring and my studies and my work at AG.

It's Friday night, me and gaberielle are debating what to do, should we stay in and masterbate together or go out and masterbate in public. The door bell rings.

Standing out the door way is Lea, our good friends with a massive box of sex toys. Masturbating in public it is.

We recognised eachother as a kindred spirit. Both horny as fuck.

"My vagina exhibit opens soon" says Lea

"OH congratulations" I moan to her.

Out of nowhere trump supporter Logan appears.

What the fuck is the dickhead doing here?

"Miss Grant, what a pleasant surprise." His gaze and trumpness is so intense.

"Logan" I whisper.

"It's time to fuck Miss Grant"

"Oh Logan"

He whisks me away to his dickshaped car where we fuck in the back seat.

This was better then last time. I didn't think anything could top it.

His dick reaches my vagina and embraces my stuffing inside.

Wow, we were like animals, it was revolting, and aggreessive like Donald Trump.

Okay I like him. He is sexy. His beautiful stolen Kaya mold does something to my vagina that makes me explode with cum all down my legs. I find him attractive, very attractive.

But it's a  a lost cause, I know, and I sigh with bittersweet regret. It was just a coincidence, him coming here. But still, I can admire his Trumpness. No harm can come of that. And if I find a photographer, I can do some serious admiring tomorrow. I bite my lip in anticipation and find myself grinning like a schoolgirl. I need to phone Gabrielle and organize a dick themed photo-shoot

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