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Ok my fantastico's (what I have decided to call u)
I wanted to give you a heads up that Chloe Snook made that photo. She is a wonderful artist but she does not have watty, so no, you can't follow her seeing how good she is! :( But on better news I started a another book called 'Poetry for the Broke' pls check it out, it'd be very helpful. I'll continue the story now.

The towel is wrapped around me as I get out of the bath. I dry off and change into the clothes, remembering to put on the special body lotion my mother used to buy. I sigh, remembering how every time my mom would be walking around the grocery store, refusing to get another brand of regular lotion. It had to be a special bottle of lotion. She was crazy, but a good crazy.

I tip toe into the hallway, not wanting to wake up my special friend. I don't know if she is a light sleeper which doesn't help so I do my best to quietly creep back into my bedroom. Lucy is tossing in her sleep. "No!" She screams. I know easily that this is a nightmare, I've had plenty before. But hey, it takes one to know one.

Carefully I walk over to her. "Lucy...." I whisper, cautiously. She jolts awake, "What is it? What happened?" She asks when she sees me. "You were having a bad dream." I say, maybe I shouldn't have woken her. "Oh, yes. Thank you." Lucy states, not explaining any further. Hmm.

"Lucy I'm 'sposed to be at school right now." I say, hoping she will do something. "Yeah yeah." She waves her hands and mumbles again, "Bibbity bobbity boo." she says. The telephone flies over.

"Did you just say....bibbity bobbity boo?" I ask, unbelievable. "The last job I had was for Cinderella. Don't judge." She laughs. Her laugh is bubbly and contagious. I laugh, which is followed by a snort, which is followed by us rolling on the floor clutching our stomachs.

"Are you serious?" I ask. "It's not as beautiful as in the books but....." She trails off staring into space.

I stand up abruptly, and Lucy flys up to my shoulder, "Okay, back to work." She says while flying about. When she dips, her wings glint and glitter in the sunlight, the blue catching a gold hue.
I grab the telephone and punch in the school's number before handing the phone to Lucy. (552)-937-2940.

School Front Desk: Hello? May I please ask who I am speaking to?
Lucy: Hello this is Ruby Lieneta calling on behalf of Sam Lenard, you see Rosie here is very sick. I understand she didn't come into school today, really she road on the bus but was experiencing nausea waves and couldn't make it farther into the school day.
SFD: Oh how terrible! She is fully excused from today's lessons.
Lucy: Thank you. Bye.

Then Lucy hung up. "Oke doke. We got that taken care of, now.. where is your first aid kit?"

She says while looking around the room. "It's in he bathroom, why?" I ask puzzled.

"Do you really think I am that stupid, your shirt was stained red, something obviously happened." Lucy states.

I quickly run into the bathroom and open the cabinets under the sink. I reach my hand back until I can feel the cool white handle of the Red Cross first aid kit. Careful not to knock any soaps or cleaning supplies over, I pull the little white box out of the cupboard. Then I carry it back into my bedroom and set it down in front of Lucy. Or should I say under, Lucy.

She flys down towards the box and lands on its Red Cross in the middle. Lucy walks over to the handle and yanks on it. Nothing happens. She pulls again. Nothing. Lucy tries to put her hands on it and fly upwards but still, nothing happens. She's panting like a dog now. "A little help here?" She asks clearly annoyed that I didn't offer my assistance.

I open the case easily and smirk a little. Lucy glares at me. I just have to laugh. Followed by a snort. And so, in a matter of seconds we are rolling around on the floor again. Finally we pick ourselves back up to continue Lucy's annoyingly painful task. She applies rubbing alcohol and gauze bandages. It takes a while. It stings like a #%@$. Of course I would never say that aloud.....

Anyway when she's finished we sit in silence. I guess we both have no idea what to do. But then I hear the garage door opening. That can only mean one thing, my dad's home. I'm confused for a minute because he gets home at 5:00 pm. I quickly check my clock. It's only 11:30 am. But either way, I know we'll be busted if we just sit here.

I grab Lucy out of the air and stuff her into her bed while I hide that into my locked dresser drawer. Then I take cover in my closet. We are in perfect hiding places except for a few things, my shoes are on the floor along with my backpack and the light's on.


Lol, CLIFF HANGER. I am so sorry I deserted this book for a few weeks. So much has happened! I found that I am moving to Edina when I was in Eden Prarie Minnesota. And it's a huge house! I am so excited. For all my friends, yes I will miss you. But hey only 15 minutes away am I right? Or am I right?

*Lucy enters* "You're right. Right?"
-Rosie stares at her feet.-

"Loosed up Rose, I have so much planned for you! You will be happy again, I'm not going to kill you......" I trail off nervously. "Haha just kidding."

-I run away with them all chasing me- -Trevor walks in-

"Oh crap, did I mention that you and Rosie have a thing......" I ask. -Runs for dear life-

Okay well while I get chased by my own made up characters I will be writing a new update. That's all for now!


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