Character Profile

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                                                                         Emily become Aeria Solus

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                                                                         Emily become Aeria Solus

              Lives in Canada with her family trying her best to go back to school to do what she loves.

                                   Works but likes to play video games and write stories in her free time.

                                       She kept getting emails that were all about seeing a new world.

          She then eventually clicked on the link to check it out and then ended up in Eorzea with                                                                                            multiple others.

   As she met new friends, she was contemplating on if she wanted to go back home to reality or                                                               make this fantasy world her new reality?

   As she met new friends, she was contemplating on if she wanted to go back home to reality or                                                               make this fantasy world her new reality?

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                                                                            Olivia becomes Adain Ra.

                                                          Lives in Florida with her parents and kitties.

                                                               Senior in high school, not many friends.

                                          Gets in detention repeatedly for offenses with other students.

                                                                                           Grades dipped.

                                     Clicked through emails absent-mindedly and ended up in Eorzea.

                                          Struggles to decide if she wants to go back to earth or stay.

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