Chapter 1

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I had just arrived at my new house back in my home town. Calabasas California. I just hope that no one recognized me. We were already settled into our new house. I guess the government moved us? I don't really know. All I know is that I don't have to worry about anything but my clothes. What my mom doesn't know is that I have still been cutting. I was diagnosed with depression 2 months after my dad died. I turned to cutting. I was bullied in school, my mom was always working. I had no friends. My mom thinks that the way i act is just for the Witness protection so that no one notices me. But that is far from truth. I am actually depressed I cut. I hate life. I miss my dad. So much well here we go a new start again...

"Honey can you please go get your bags from the car?"


I went in to the car and got my stuff.  As i was walking across the street to the moving van I bumped into someone. He looked really firmiliar. I don't know where though. I know he didn't go to Calabasas middle when I went there. I just don't know where I have seen him. 

"Hey, you must be the new neighbors, I'm Justin."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Grace."

"Nice to meet you too, well look I have to go I was suppose to meet scooter at the studio an hour ago.'


"Wait you don't know me? I'm Justin, Justin Bieber?"

"Nope, not ringing a bell?"

"Do you not listen to music?"

"Oh I listen to music just rock and dubstep that pretty much it. Let me guess you're a singer?"

"Yup, I sing pop music."

"That explains everything. I don't listen to pop, never have never will" Lies I used to listen to pop till the incident.

"Oh well you should listen to it sometime, not as bad as you think."

"Maybe Bieber. Better get to the studio."

"Okay then. Bye Grace."

"Bye Bieber'

So that's how he is so firmiliar. I bet I saw him on some teen magazine. Oh well better get back inside. Once i got into the house the questions started to fire.

"Ooh, I saw you out there with a boy, who was it."

"Mom! He was no one, just the neighbor."

"Well he looked very firmiliar if i do say so myself. I just don't know where I have seen him. Did he go here when we lived here before?'

"Nope. I guess he is Justin Bieber "teen pop sensation" so you probably have seen him on some magazine."

"Oh, so do you liiike him" God she is so annoying!

"No mom. I don't even know him or do I want to. He is probably some cocky ass hole who thinks he can play with any girls heart then go and break it, just like all the other jerks I dated."

"Honey, they were all nice boys. Don't need to be so rude."

"Oh really? What about Josh? Who cheated on me called me a whore. Or John who told me to go die. Oh even better what about Chris? Remember him? The one that tried to rape me?!?! God you just don't get it do you?"

"Honey, some were nice. What happened to the old you? The one that was always happy, a good student. You have changed so much, what happened?"

"Are you that dumb mom? How would you react to bullying by stupid preppy people. Or how about watching you dad killed infront of your eyes. How about losing everyone, your family, and friends? Do you know how it feels being that new girl whose dad was murdered?! Excatly you don't. I'll be in my room."


"Save it mom"

With that being said I ran into my room. It was white with one dark purple wall.  My bed was in the corner against the wall i have a white desk on the other end of the same wall and a t.v. plastered on my wall as well as a hanging chair. My closet and bathroom are right next to each other. My closet is a walk in and with the rest I won't go into detail. 

I ran into my room and threw my self onto my bed and started bawling. I hate how she dosn't understand. She doesn't get it. I got up and went through my bags finding what i was looking for, my razor. Once I found it i went into my bathroom. I leaned over the sink in put 2 cuts into each wrist. I bit my lip in pain. I turned on the water and cleaned out the sink leaving no traces of what I just did. My mom doesn't even know. I put a piece of toilet paper of my cuts and wiped of the dry blood. I went back into my bag and pulled out my make up to cover up my cuts. After that I went to bed I have my first day of class tomorrow.

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