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I dreamt of you gipsy

and our abandoned child

amidst your wilderness

the centre is huge sorrow

and I knew your eclipse

way before you were born

the too many cities beyond deserted shores

where does the sea go

that goes out

the passing voices unheard

the thread of letters unbound

the muted shrieks inside the womb

the silent ash

the god is quiet

S/he howls in me

rippling my waters still

but in your denial

I shall be redeemed

in fleeting truths

I' ll go again

and on your naked stone

I shall build

the untouched

the unfound

the unthought

a fluttering of day

night dust

the gliding of dawn

and I' ll lie


at your door

NB: French version in ' Amour, French pieces , rêvé de toi, tzigane'

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