breaking skool rulez

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Luz's P.O.V

Once we got the num nums Queen wanted we went straight back to hellside. or was it hexslide? Wait.. was it slide?? You know what never mind that.

Me and king ran straight for the doors but that's when I remembered. You don't break into a place by going into the front door you would need to have a disguise. If you didn't then you need to find another way in.

I grabbed Queen by the color and dragged her away from hex- um.. uh.. the school that's named... hell side? Yeah, hell slide.

While We went over to hide behind a tree, she was screeching all the way over to it. Honestly if you were to here those little sequels you might have melted into a puddle and died on the spot because let me just tell you it was super adorable.


"We are, but just wait we need to find another way in."

"FINE! But once we go back home you are going to clean up after raven for such a rude chaos interruption."

"Fine your majesty."

After the little chat I looked around to see if there was anything that I could work with. That's when I noticed. A window. It was opened! Just our luck. Now I would just need to make a distraction to get in and then me and Queen can commit arson together!

That's when I got an idea. What if I used Queen as the main use of the distraction. Once the people pl le were distracted I could sneek in and find a way for Queen to get in as well after distracting the hell slide-...ians? Nevermind who cares about what their called I just want to stir up some chaos baby.

"Oh Queen~ I have a plan"


"shshsh- Queen be patient and try to be quiet we can't distract the peeps in the school just yet."

"As your Queen I will promise to my knight to stay as quiet as possible"

"Thanks Queen I knew I could count on you, and you only.. your different than the other people that used to know back home..."

My chest started to feel that weight again. My nose started to heat up with that familiar sense and I quickly looked away.

"My dearest and most worthy knight... are you alright?"

"Yeah Queen I'm do-ING okay."

After a little while if catching my breath and dying because of that stupid voice crack I started to roll out my plan to the little terror in front of me.

"Okay so as you know you will be the distraction!"

"The wha-"

"You will go over to that open window and pretend that you are hurt. Be sure that the people in there can hear you. They will get distracted and they would all come out to get you or just the teach. Once their out of the room you burt in through the window and get in while I go the same and we hide from the staff! I already have my matches, paper, lighter all set for chaos with fire."

"... huh. I like this plan of yours! Let's get going."

Queen and I made our way over to the ginormous building and hid from the windows. We crept our way towards the open window and Queen was getting into position. With a thumbs up she got into the floor and started to wail  in 'pain'.

"Ow! Oh the suffering! A harmless little demon as myself should never feel this sort of pain! My leg my poor itty bitty lil' leg how will I ever get back up! Oh the sarrow! The pain!"

With that people inside of the class got out of their seats and started to speak full of worry with eachother. Most of the people went out of the classroom to help Queen while others did so to skip class. I can tell when some people are bored out their minds. Somtimes...

As quickly as others left the class, Queen and I barged into the class room and ran for the door. A few people looked surprised others just watched in shock.

We were now in the schools halls full of lockers. No teacher or superior in sight. Lucky us. Again.

We were running for dear life even though nobody was chasing us. We were laughing hysterically like maniacs that just escaped from their asylum. I got out my lighter and papers and stopped with Queen sliding a bit and then halts. We were giggling while trying to get the lighter to flare up with a flame on its head.

Finally it flared up and we lit the paper on fire. I looked around for somthing important and that's when I saw it. The trash can. I casually walked over their and threw the burning paper in. Soon enough the whole bin was flaring up in smoke.

Queen let out a cute little cackle and we were off to another location to stir up a bit more 'harmless' fun.

Hey, how yall doing,,
Okay I know that this fic has been on hiatus for like,, almost year but I promise that I'll post I lil more now. So don't worry good ol' pally of mine just take a breath, relax.
Any ways good by from the good the bad -GOOD/BADKIDDO

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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