Chapter 2

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You come to your senses and open your eyes after a while, you don't know how long you were out. The first thing you see are your hands, tied together with a rope, and that you were in a moving vehicle. What the hell is happening? Last thing you remember was you got stabbed through the stomach by someone behind you.

You feel terrible, your head hurts, when you try to get up from laying on the seats you were laying in, you get a shot of pain. grunting and grabbing your stomach with your tied hands, your stomach was apparently wrapped around with bloody bandages.

"Careful." You hear a familiar voice next to you, you look up at where the voice was to see Deimos sitting in the seat next to you. He had a cigarette in his mouth that was lit and he put up a friendly peace sign when you looked over at him, the window next to him was open. He seemed to be looking out the window till he noticed you wake up.

You didn't know what to say. You were scared, confused, and you didn't want to talk to him. He was the enemy. But why are you in the same truck as him? And if he's here, who the hell is driving? You decided to not talk to Deimos and got up more slowly, till you were sitting normally, and you looked through the window that separated the back of the truck where you were to the front where the driver was. You look to see two men that were looking at the road. You recognized the driver. Of course you do, you've heard his name everywhere, seen his face everywhere, It's Hank.

You freak out, and look around, questions are flooding your mind, you are distressed, where are they taking you? They took all of your weapons off you, of course they did. You were unarmed and your hands were tied so you couldn't do anything anyways. You rustled around and slammed your body against the door, causing you to grunt in pain again from your injury.

"Dei take care of that agent." you hear talking from the front of the car. It's a voice with a more serious tone, you didn't know if it was Hank's voice or the other man sitting there.

You smack your body against the door again, trying to get out of the car. You didn't know what was happening but you knew, you had to get out of that car. Even if you were hurting yourself.

"Come on. you're just going to hurt yourself more." Deimos grabbed you and put you back in a normal position. He seemed gentle and didn't touch your stomach. Why is he so nice to you? You two had a gunfight and tried to kill each other a second ago. You stop slamming yourself against the door and give up, there's no way you're getting out of this car by yourself, and even if you did you're injured and would bleed out on the side of the road once your bandages get too bloodsoaked. You look over at Deimos and he gives you a smile, showing his sharp teeth. You don't smile back and just lay your back up against the seat, trying to calm down and just wait till the car stopped.

After a couple minutes the car stopped in front of a building. Hank and the other man opened the door and got out of the truck and went on inside. Deimos stood up and glanced over at you, then he opened the back of the truck and jumped out.

 You were trying to stand up without causing too much pain. You finally were able to stand up, slowly walking over and getting out of the truck cautiously. Deimos was waiting for you, probably just making sure you didn't run off because you definitely would've if you were alone. Deimos walks you to the inside of the building, your hands were still tied together and you were having trouble walking but you managed to get there without too much trouble. 

When you go inside, the place is better then you thought it would be. A nice sofa was in there with a glass table and a TV hanged on the wall with various gaming consoles, the kitchen was connected and open so you could just walk in it, though it seems quite unused. You look around as Deimos closes the door behind you two, Hank stared at you while the other guy, who you can clearly see now was Sanford, judging by the posters you see everywhere again, was also looking at you while leaning on the island.

Deimos x reader (discontinued)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora