Chapter One

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For S — I would not be as weird and/or inspired as I am now if it weren't for you. Best friend ever, I am so lucky to have you!

"I've painted over all the cracks,

But now the paint is peeling back..." — Missy Higgins, If I'm Honest

Ally was at it again this morning. Sam this, Sam that, I wonder what Sam's doing, I wonder if Sam's happy without me, I wonder if he's happy with PHOEBE.

Phoebe Ellis, Phoebe Ellis, that's all we hear around this house these days. It feels so weird to say 'Sam and Phoebe' because it was Sam and Ally for so long, and I guess Ally must feel the same way, except I wonder how because she's been saying it for two weeks straight and she's still not sick of it. Jade is, though. I'm glad I don't have a crazy, Sam-obsessed twin to worry about, especially a month before my eighteenth birthday. If it weren't for the Sam-and-Phoebe thing, that would be what Ally would be talking about.

She's always talking about something. She never shuts up.

Daisy, on the other hand, hasn't talked for about a week. Just shut herself up in her room and listened to old records on that record player she got for her last birthday when she turned sixteen. I keep trying to sneak in and get her to play some Missy Higgins for a while, but she started to lock the door after a few days of me asking — maybe begging — to put on 'Casualty' just once. 

I have what Sara, my final and middle sister, calls a thing  for Missy Higgins. An affliction. A love that's maybe bordering on an obsession. I don't love anyone in real life, but when I listen to Missy, I fall in love a little bit more each song. With the music, not with the woman. I mean, I'm a girl, and girls don't fall for other girls... right?

Right, well, that's what I thought, until yesterday. Yesterday, I met Melissa Hope. I met Melissa Hope and I'm sure that I won't have the same thoughts ever again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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