1.Die pt2

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If you didn't read 'Our story' then you can't understand anything


Yoongi: you did wrong ji-hoon now you have to die

Ji-hoon take Hobie with him

Hobie:dad!Mom! Pls h-help m-me *breathing heavily*

Hobie can't breathe properly she having a panic attack that make hai faint

Namjoon: Hobie! Pls someone save my daughter *crying*

Hyeong-jun: nothing will happen with her ok breath Namjoon, hee-sun comfort jinnie

Hee-sun: hmmm

Tae: hyung do something!

Tae face behind him but there was no one

Tae:where did he go?


Ji-hoon was about to enter in Sam cave but he stop by yoongi

Ji-hoon: what are you doing here? Do you want to die?

Yoongi: don't being overconfident ji-hoon

Ji-hoon:why not? you want to fight cuz for your love huh? Well to bad she gonna die anyway *evil laugh*

Ji-hoon started cuting Hobie skin it make yoongi more angry his eyes are red and his power around him making ji-hoon nervous

Yoongi use his ice power to freez ji-hoon and then use fire power with that ji-hoon scream

Ji-hoon: I am s-sorry pls f-forgive me

Yoongi: forgive you? First you hurt my family then Hobie and now you are telling me to forgive you

??? :Yoongi forgive him

Yoongi face behind him and see hoseok

Yoongi: h-hoseok? H-how?

Hoseok: I am your inner hoseok yoongi, the hoseok you are taking in your heart caring of him can't listen bad about him, so will you listen of this hoseok?

Yoongi nodded

Hoseok: forgive him

Yoongi: but-

Hoseok: no buts yoongi, when someone know they make a mistake and they are really sorry you should forgive them hmmm

Yoongi nodded and answer hmmm

Hoseok: then forgive him

With that hoseok left in a blink, yoongi face ji-hoon who was struggling, he take back his power

Yoongi: I forgive you but do my one wish

Ji-hoon: what is that?


Ji-hoon: I am sorry king I can't do as you said

Ji-hoon said before his death


Yoongi: you are going to die in just few minutes because of my power so go to Sam and said 'I am sorry king I can't do as you said'

Ji-hoon: as you say

Flash back end

Sam: shit!


Yoongi set in front of Hobie and see her cuts he place his hand on that cuts, they come in his hand and leave from Hobie hand, hobie open her eyes

Hobie: yoongi what happened?

Yoongi: nothing

Hobie nodded but notice the cuts on yoongi it make her worried

Hobie: yoongi how this cuts?

Yoongi: they are ok Hobie

Hobie: no they aren't and now I don't have any medicine

Yoongi: why you need medicine just touch them

Hobie touch the cuts and they are gone it make her happy

Namjoon: hobie are you ok!?

Hobie: yeah dad I am great

Namjoon: thank you yoongi

Yoongi: no need uncle

Namjoon and hyeong-jun are friends together and slove all the problem with that everyone was happy but not hyejin she want jimin as the CEO on Namjoon place so she make a plan with Sam

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