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Who are you"grayson
Why do you call me alpha???

I am Simone
Come with me they are waiting for you"simone

Ok I will come with you" grayson

Do you want me to go with you" kestel

No I'm ok"grayson

Go ahead be careful"kestel

I will be back again"grayson
Don't worry"grayson

Let's go alpha"simone

The next morning...

Kestel look at this"thea

What happened" kestel

It's looks like gray killed him"blaze

Why would he do that" kestel

Come with me"blaze

What are you doing" kestel

Did you see the wound on my back"blaze


When i was a child my parents died
Because a wolf attaked us"blaze

So i hate wolves" blaze

Now tell me where is gray"blaze

He went with a female wolf
but he never came back"kestel

I will look for him"blaze

I will come with you" kestel


To be continued...

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