7. Wisteria

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Uh Oh?

Shoot!! I messed up.

I looked to my side to see a pain-stricken Jungkook sitting with the most twisted expression. He looked as if he was about to die (I mean how wouldn't he after getting his little friend hit hard by someone). I was feeling guilt and regret rushing through my body along with a very strong desire to just laugh out loud. Mrs. Lee and all my classmates were looking at Jungkook as if he had just called upon an earthquake. Everyone then understood what had happened to Jungkook, and just then Mrs. Lee looked at me with a spine-shivering look. AND I KNEW WHAT THAT LOOK MEANT. It meant that I had detention after school for an hour. That thought caused me to slump back in my chair in disappointment.

The baboon beside me just hissed in pain and glared at me, thinking that glare would affect me even a little bit. I mean, it did, almost an 80% but I tried hard not to show it. Keyword- TRIED. I gulped and turned my head towards him to see him smirking at me as though wanting me to beg for forgiveness. I had no other option but to obey his wishes. "I'm sorry", I told him with a not-so-apologetic look to which he responded with an "okay, fine. No problem" while grinning from ear to ear.

And honestly, that bunny-like grin was annoying the fuck out of me right now. I wanted to wipe that grin off his face, but he instead turned his expression to his usual cold one. We both concentrated on what Mrs. Lee was teaching until the bell rang and everyone ran out the class to escape the teacher. I got up and went towards Chae's seat and we both went off to the hallways near our lockers.

CH: Bro, what did you do to the bunny boy? Why was he acting like he got stabbed by some psycho?

Y/N: Actually, he was kinda stabbed, but not by a psycho. Instead, it was me. I hit his dick with my book. ACCIDENTALLY though.

CH: *she burst out laughing after my explanation* Wh-Why would y-you hit his d-d-dick? *she was really enjoying while asking the questions*

Y/N: Oh god! I wanted to wake him up by hitting on his head with my book, but he moved his head aside before I hit it and accidentally ended up hitting his dick. Understood?? *I rolled my eyes remembering the scene back in class*

CH: Ohhhhhhhhhh. I thought you were about to give him a blowjob or something😏😏.

Y/N: Oh my Lord Chae!!!! Stop being a perverted ass for once, will you? I had no such intentions. Why would I even?

CH: Maybe because you might be attracted to him? *she started making those weird teasing faces making my skin crawl even by the thought of it*

Y/N: No. Never am I gonna be attracted by that dickhead. He is a literal pain in the ass. He was smirking while waiting for me to apologize!!!

We started taking our books out, me for psychology and Chae for political science.

CH: Oh fuck off! I know you will fall for him someday or the other.

Y/N: Nope babez. Keep on dreaming about it. Anyways, buh-bye. See you in lunch.

I waved at her and walked towards my psychology class and I saw Jungkook walking towards the same class in front of me. I prayed to God to not keep him in the same psych class as me. But I guess fate definitely was not on my side the whole day and he had to be there.

Again I took the farthest seat in the class and Mr. Kang came in with a bored Jungkook beside him. I guess he really did not want to introduce himself all over again. He introduced himself and came sat right next to me. *This guy really can't go away from me* I thought, cursing to my fate.

"I just don't know anyone from this class right now. Even I do not want to be sticking with your sorry ass." Huh? What does he mean by that? Then I realized that I might have thought out loud unknowingly. I cursed under my breath and looked at him annoyed.

Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry that you don't have any 'friends' because none of them would want to keep up with your cold ass and WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE CALLING ME A SORRY ASS WHEN YOU ARE SUCH A LONER? HUH? *I was fuming by now, because why the hell would he call me a sorry ass when he did not even have friends and was always cold and closed off?*

JK: *He kept his mouth shut at your outburst not knowing what to say because what you said was all true. He was indeed a loner because he has trust issues because of his past. Even his hyungs had to struggle to gain his trust at the beginning, but they did manage to make a soft spot for themselves in his heart* I-I'm sorry for telling that. But just bear with me. I do want to make new friends, and you are the only person I know. So just..... please try to understand me.

Y/N: *my eyes softened after listening to him. He must have some personal issues as to why he does not have a lot of friends* Y-Yeah.... I'm sorry too, you know, for the sudden outburst. I was just so pissed because of the morning incident. And you calling me a "sorry ass" just added more fuel to the fire.

JK: It's okay. I just want to make at least one friend here, so I'm trying to adjust myself. Can you be my first friend here? It'll take time for me to open up to you, but I'll try my best. I promise.

Y/N: Okay. Friends? *I extended my hand out for a hand shake*

JK: *he had a small smile on his face but that vanished within seconds but he shook my hand anyways*


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