Chapter 4 The Nightmare

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Chapter 4 The Nightmare....

   I woke up and saw i was the only on in the room.So I checked out the house and saw I was alone.I checked ouside and not one sign of life.James and Jayden are gone!Both bats GONE!No note was left.So I walked around the house one more time and saw the note lying on the mantle of the fire place.

      Dear Lyric, 

                    Sorry this had to be done.I took James and you will find him later in your jurney.Jayden was on my side the whole time.You got played like a banjo on a Friday night.Sorry it had to happen.Oh wait no i'm not!                                                                                         Love,Kaleb.

    I ran outside and to the nearest big store.Which happen to be walmart.I grabbed some weapons and food and left.With one duffle bag slung over my arm and a metal base ball bat in my hand I felt like I could conqure the world.Just me myself and I.On the rode for god knows how long.If i'm lucky I can make it to a hotel or find a car.Maybe if i'm lucky i can find some more survivers and they can help me out.Maybe,just maybe I can stop this whole disaster.Forget about California I have to find my dad.I have to find out where the BSAA was sent.I have to help bring down Danny Blackk.The horrbile dirtbag who brought the world into this nightmare.My next destination is pretty far away.Okay another continent away.I have to go to China.My dad said if I ever needed help to find Leon  and his parner,Helena.Last i heard they were in China so that's where I go.First things first.Find James.The one person who has my back threw thick and thin.Or blood and zombie guts if you wanna say.

    3 Hours later.....

   I finally found a hotel I walked in the parking lot with my metal bat held high.I walked into the first room and saw something move so I swong my bat and the person caught it."Hey babe miss me?"James asked.I threw my stuff down and gave him a huge hug.He kissed my forehead and we stood there hugging for a long time."I didn't mean to worry you.Jayden said you were already here so i went along.I didn't even check."James said breaking the silence.The next thing I did even shocked me.I kissed him.After a few seconds I pulled away and started blushing like crazy.He smiled at me and started blushing a little bit to.That's when I knew i met the perfect guy.No matter what happened I felt like the world couldn't be like it is.And i can't believe that I feel this way.Considering I amost killed him twice now.

    "So we still heading to  California?"James asked grabbing some food from the already shattered vending machines."Yea but not to the orginal place.There is one part there that hasnt been infected yet.So they have running air ports working."I explained to James."Why do we need an airport?"James asked looking like he was told his life isn't real."We need to go to China.My dad said if I ever couldn't find out where he is to find his friends.Leon and Helena.So last I heard they were going to China to help his friend Sherry who works for Danny Blackk.So I find Leon I can kill the perso who killed my mom."I told him."Okay well we stay the night here find a car tomorrow and get going."James said proud of himself for coming up with that plan.

   "Alright.Well tomorrow if we can't find a car I know a college campous that will take us at least to the next state over."I told him."Great lets look around I got the rooms and You grab a key and look around."James said throwing me a wooden bat."Where did you get these?"I asked James."Oh they left me at a sporting goods store these are the only bats they had."James said walking toward one of  the rooms.So I went into the lobby and went behind the desk.I grab a key card and swipe it to register it.I slide it in my back pocket and walk around.I walk into the back to make sure no one was there.It was clear.So I checked my watch and it said 6:30 P.M.. I was shocked about how late it was.So when i finished walking around the loby I had my duffle bag full of waters,Energy drinks,and some extra snacks.So I went to find James.When I walked out I saw a car pass by.I ran up a flight of stairs and found James in a room looking around."Hey whats up."He said walking out of the bathroom."Nothing just saw some survivers pass by."I told him.

      "Did they see you?"James asked."No not that I know of."I replied smileing a little."Alright well what room did you grab?"James asked."Room 5 floor one"I said walking out the door.I leaned on the railing and the car I saw pass by was now parked in the parking lot.I walked down the stairs just as they got out.One pulled out a gun and shot it in my direction.I easily dodged the bullet."Fast reflexes."The guy said."I learned from my dad."I told him as a guy and a girl got out of the car."Ada.Ada wong.My dad talked about you a lot."I said to the girl."You must be Lyric.Chris's daughter."Ada said to me."Correct.I heard you were in town.So do you know where my dad is?"I asked her."Not a clue sorry"She replied.I looked closely at the guy who shot at me."Jake.Weskers son.The one who can cure the whole world with his blood.I mean I found some of the medication that can keep you from turning but you can save the whole world."I said to him.

      "So you knew my father."Jake said to me."My dads the one who killed him."I told him.A girl got out of the car and she looked at me."Sherry Burkan.Working for Danny Blackk."I said evil eyeing her.James walked down and saw all  the people.He grabbed my arm and dragged me out into the street.Before we got there when I passed Jake he grabbed my arm."Tell your dad I said thanks for stopping the thing I had to call a dad."He whispered to me.I yanked my arm back and nodded.James and I walked all night.By 4:00 am we reached the collage.We walked onto campous and into a building.Then everything in the campou locked down.The lights went out.We went threw a broken window and grabbed a set of keys that were on the ground and opened up a gate.Zombies came pouring through and we ran for our lives there was a cop car so we hopped into the car and started the car.When we did James stepped on the gas and we took off.

         A couple hours later we had reached Tennesee.When we got there we stopped at a hotel and rested.We had a big day ahead of us tomorrow.Tomorrow I would fid something that let me know where my dad is.Hopefully.


Well the titel does really fit but oh well all the people that are in the chapter:Ada,Jake,and Sherry are a key ingredient in this story.So I hope you enjoy!! :D

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