\\Calm before the storm//

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It had been a week since you've seen bob and to be honest you hadn't really come to a decision. You looked at your phone, and became filled with fraught as you were about to call bob. Just then you were getting a call for him you hesitantly answered the phone.


"(Y,n) I'm so sorry but I must ask you a pretty big favor."

"oh um ..well it depends what is it?"

" Well I'm on the side of the road my car broke down I already called a tow truck if it isn't any trouble could you come get me?"

"..Yes just tell me where you are so I can pick you up."

" Thank you I'm a cross the town's library."

" I know where that is it isn't far from my house I'll be there soon."

As you hung up you felt nervous to see him again but strangely happy but this didn't change how you felt about him. As you slipped on a sweater you grabbed a pair of Jeans you grabbed your shoes and keys hurrying out the door to go pick him up.

You pulled up beside him as he got inside the car with you." I'm sorry about all this you are the only person who I can call friend here." It did make you feel a little bad for the man." Its alright." You said trying your best to drop him off at his house but you seemed to be hitting every red light as you sighed." Ugh." He looked over at your face which seemed to have an irritated expression on it." Is everything alright my dear?" You leaned forward as your head hit the horn of your car. He gently reached over to try his best to comfort you as he gently rubbed your back." No, I'm not ok." Once the light turned green you pulled off into a parking lot so you and bob could talk." Its just out of everyone Springfield ... you." He looked at you smiling on the inside but snapping out of his happiness he had an idea of why it was stressing you out." And I don't mean that to hurt you because you're actually really sweet and I enjoy being around you but it's just your past.." He smiled as he looked at you gently rubbing your hand ." I'm sorry I really truly am my past isn't something easy to forget and I enjoy my time with you as well but I don't want you stressing over this." You leaned back looking at his sincere eyes." Here is my problem bob
I like you but on the same hand I feel all this judgment toward me because of your past it's like I'm judging myself ..I want to keep being around you if what you say is true about you being a changed man." You heard him chuckle." My how rebellious you are my dear. My past is inhumane so I don't blame you for having simple emotions." He gently pulled your hand over toward him as he gently kissed it." Can I ask you some questions to help me relax?" He softly nodded at you." Yes you may." You looked at him ." How long has it been since you've been out of prison?" He answered back truthfully." It has been exactly a year and a half since I've been out of prison but I'm being monitored normally." You sighed relieved a bit as he smiled.' I am also required to take anger management classes and medication." He reached into his hair pulling out documents for you to see as you examined them carefully gently handing them back to him. You smiled a bit so relieved with him as you leaned over hugging him tight. He was a bit taking by surprise by this as he gently hugged you back." I apologize for giving you conflicted feelings about having feelings for me." You snorted a bit ." Its alright Bob thank you for showing me you are changing ." As you let go of him you started the car again. 

          As your conversation begins to peter off, a light drizzle begins to fall down. The pitter patter of the droplets brought a calming sense to the slightly awkward event you two shared. You both eventually lock eyes and slight laughter fills you both as each of you slowly lean closer. You felt your face begin to feel warm again. Bob places his hand on your cheek, feeling his thumb rub across the side of your face feels hot, yet comforting. "(Y/n), I have to admit. You're the only one to calm the storm momentarily when we're together." Looking into his eyes as you feel your cheeks become red hot, "Bob, I..." Just then, police sirens filled the air and you saw the blurry red and blue lights surrounding your vehicle through the rain. The passenger door swings open, revealing Chief Wiggums with a grimaced face locking eyes with a frightened Bob. 

           Bob is yanked out of his seat and thrown to the ground and pinned to the puddle that had formed next to the car. Officers restricting him as Wiggums places cuffs and legs irons on the stunned and defenseless Bob. You run out of your car and rush over to the scuttle frantically. "OFFICERS?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Chief Wiggums standing up and confronting you.

 "Judge Snyder out for Bob's arrest."

"What crime has he committed?"

"Are you kidding me ? Heh Sideshow Bob is a walking Felony. Throw him in the back boys. We're taking him down town"

         Bob; soaked with scratches across his face, attempts to struggle while the officers drag him to the car. Bob pleading and screaming, "Please! Please you must understand I haven't done anything! I promise you! I'm innocent!" As Bob pushed into the back of the cop car he is filled with confusion, rage, sadness, weariness thinking he just lost all the trust he had to prove to you that he wasn't a bad guy he rested his head against the caged off window that separated the front seats from the back seats. You had looked at Bob in  the car as officer Wiggums looked at you placing his hand on your shoulder." Now I've a few question for you. First, why do they say its raining cats and dogs? Lou have you ever seen animals fall from the sky?"  Lou had been sipping his coffee as he looked at officer Wiggums." Uh no chief." Wiggums scratched the back of his neck." Strange Lou strange.'   

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