Chapter 1

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"Jo!"Diana, my sister, shouts, nearly as loud as a train as she enters the room. My pen clatters noisily against the hardwood floor as her flats fwumpety-fwump my way.

    It had been nearly three – no, make that almost four hours since I had sat down in my study, plotting the fan fiction of HarryPotter to end all canon that had been in circulation since the late90's.

    Does it count as fan-fic even though I'm the one writing it? Since I have absolutely no intention of publishing it under my own name, I figure that, yes, I can call it fan-fic.

    "Have you read the latest Tweet, from Muggle. Net? They're reporting everywhere that your writing a fan-fic of Harry in secret!Can you imagine? What rubbish."

    That's how Di and I always talk about Har – waitaminute ...

    "WHAT!?" My shriek raises even the hair on my very own arms.

    That's when the nightmare ends and I jolt awake upstairs in my own bed.

   The betrayal (even in a nightmare) has icy sweat pooling beneath my body. David is already gone for the day, his cologne still clings in the air. The hairs on my arms, legs and even my head are charged with electricity as they stand at attention.

    The only other thing that writing has ever truly given me that has made me happy was the fact that since the beginning I was never alone. Over time, years later, a deep friendship between the Spartz' and I had given me the opportunity as well as the option (a gift in itself) to not only have one, but two fresh pairs of eyes. They loved and cherished Harry as much as I did, never more (even though they sometimes liked to jest and say that they do, they never could/sorryguys :> ) so the mere thought of their betrayal is enough to make my skin crawl in a way that I haven't felt in years. It's truly a horrible feeling and the only thing keeping the tears at bay as I reach for my mobile is knowing that it was just a nightmare.

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